Thursday 28 October 2021


Bondage in Hebrew means to “be in bondage to,” or to “be a slave of,” or to “be a servant of,” are three different ways of translating the same Hebrew (‛âbad/‛abdûth) word.

The bondage that we should be beware of, and be set free from, is of course “bondage to sin” – as we read in John 8:34-35 Yahusha answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone doing sin is a servant of sin. “And the servant does not stay in the house forever – a son stays forever.

Other words the sinner is removed from the house but the righteous stays. (Read also Roman. 6:6-23).

Are we physically in bondage? Most will tell you the people in the west are free but if you remove yourself from the brain-washing system you realize we are led by a carrot hanging in front of us which we never really get to, therefore freedom is not understand.

Let me put it another way; we were in the past been passively controlled but as we notice today it is becoming outright control, no longer done under the covers.

Control of what and why the control?

It is to sin!

They want to control us so that we stay in bondage to sin. They want to control us so we are in bondage to sin physically and spiritually.

So, what is sin?

Sin is defiantly not what the various religions of the world teaches us.

Sin is lawlessness! Those who do not walk in the Almighty’s teachings or commands.

Once you know what sin is, will you understand how Messiah came to set us free from sin.

This is what matters!

That Yahusha came to set us free from sin, to deliver us from being in bondage to sin.

He physically set those free from slavery when He walked on earth and He is spiritually setting us free from slavery today.

Once we are spiritually free, will we be able to free ourselves from physical sin and restore us back to His covenant.

I will say it again; all what matters, is to be free from being in bondage to sin.

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