Thursday 14 October 2021

Blessed are they – Psalm 119:1-3

Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the teaching of Yahuah! Blessed are those who observe His witnesses, who seek Him with the whole heart! They also do no unrighteousness; they shall walk in His ways.

I have read these three verses 1-3 from Psalm 119 over and over again and I stand with amazement on how powerful these words are for us.

Let me share my thoughts and the awesome message I have found in these verses.

Blessed are the upright or the perfect or the undefiled in the way. Those who are undefiled are praiseworthy, who walk in the Torah or the law or instructions of Yahuah?

Not the Torah of Moses but the Torah of Yahuah.


Yahusha the Messiah said He is the way and the truth. So, when you walk in the way together with the instructions of Yahuah, it is possible to be undefiled, and therefore be blessed.

Blessed are they who keep or guard or observe His testimonies or His witnesses which is known as His commandments and who seek Him with the whole heart.

So, again if you look for Him with everything you have from the inmost of your heart, you will find Him and then you will keep His commandments as you will love them and be blessed many more times.

Praiseworthy are you.

They do no iniquity or no evil or wrong as they walk in His ways.

So, it is possible not to do wrong (or sin) when you walk in the way with the instructions of Yahuah.

Think about this! To be righteous in Yahuah’s eyes, not in man’s eyes but the Almighty’s eyes is to live His commandments.

Again, I must point out it is not man’s commandments but the commands of Yahuah. This is why Yahusha Messiah who is the way had to come to pay the penalty for the sins of breaking Yahuah’s teachings/Laws.

Praiseworthy are you, who are in the way, who walk in the teaching of Yahuah. 

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