Thursday 7 April 2022

Heal of disease

And a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years,and had suffered much from many physicians, and spent all that she had and was no better, but rather became worse.Having heard about Yahusha, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment,for she said, “If I only touch His garments,I shall be made well.” (Mark 5:25-28).

A woman had a blood disease for 12 years, spending many of her livelihood on physicians who could not heal her disease. When she heard of the healings the Messiah of Israel had done, she touched His garment and was immediately healed.

And in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa became diseased in his feet, and his disease was severe. Yet even in his disease he did not seek Yahuah, but the physicians.So Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the forty-first year of his reign. (2 Chronicles 16:12-13).

King Asa of Judah (Yahudah) walked in the ways of Yahuah but at a later stage turned away from Him. King Asa then became very sick and went to the physicians for help instead of seeking help from Yah. The physicians could not heal him and he died within 2 years of becoming sick.


We have two separate incidents where a person seeks the help of physicians; one who went to physicians for healing without success, then became a believer and was healed. The other one was a believer but choose to seek the help of the physicians and was not healed.

Today we still have these two groups of people; the one relying solely on a physician (Doctors, pharmacy etc.) and the one relying solely on Yah.

If a believer solely relies on a physician for healing and not the Almighty Yah may then find themselves in the same situation as King Asa.

Majority of believers rely solely on the physician (man) instead of going to Yah for healing.

Read the history of King Asa, his protection was removed because he trusted in man and turned away from YAH’s ways.


Instead of turning back to Yah, he followed his own ways and failed.

Let this be a lesson for us believers.

Our physician is Yah, the Almighty of Jacob.

Pray to Yah for healing, let Him give you guidance.

We need Him more than ever, especially with the wicked system in place causing many to become sick.

May Yah be our protection and our healer. 

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