Thursday 31 March 2022

Set Apart Name

Messiah said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father in the heavens, let Your Name be Set-apart (Holy) – Luke 11:2.

Whose Father, is He? He is my Father, your Father and His Father.

Father’s Name shall be kept Holy at all times.

“Father,” what is Your Name? How can I keep Your Name Holy, if I do not know Your Name!

Please tell me what Your Name is Father!

Father, You revealed Your Name throughout scripture to many people and they called You by Your Name.

I also want to call You Father by Your Name as the following people spoke Your Name;

Father, You told Moses Your Name and You said Your Name is forever, and is a remembrance to all generations.’ (Exodus 3:15).

Moses proclaimed Your Name in the song he wrote for You. (Deuteronomy 32:3).

Moses said twice, we must swear by Your Name. (Deuteronomy 6:13 & 10:20).


David made Your Name known to his brothers (Psalm 22:22).

David also said Your Name is to be remembered to all generations and people will praise You forever (Psalm 45:17).

David says we should sing praises to Your Name (Psalm 68:4).

Father, You answered David’s calls because he knew Your Name (Psalm 91:14).

David gave thanks to Your Name, as Your Name is great above all (Psalm 138:2).

Joel told us if we call You by Your Name, we will be saved (Joel 2:32).

You told Jeremiah to say to the gentiles and to Israel that Your wrath will be poured out on them if they do not call on Your Name (Jeremiah 10:25).

Father You told Zechariah that one third of people will be refine as silver is refined, and they shall call on Your Name, and You shall answer them (Zechariah 13:7-9).

Who established all the ends of the earth? Father who did these marvellous things?What is Your Name, Father? (Proverbs 30:4).


Messiah revealed Your Name to those You gave Him out of this world (John 17:6).

People did not know Your Name when Messiah was here on earth but Messiah made sure the people knew Your Name before He left and He is still making Your Name known (John 17:25-26).

Peter said if we call You by Your Name, we will be saved(Acts 2:21).

Paul confirms this as well; we will be saved if we call You by Your Name (Romans 10:13).

Father today Your Name is supressed and many calls You by titles but please Father, I want to call You by Your Name and I want to keep Your Name Holy – Set Apart.

I want to be saved.


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