Thursday 21 July 2022

We have entered unknown waters








Yahusha said there would be days like this!

In the days coming, all people will be given over to what they have loved and worshiped the most. The wicked will be consumed with darkness—yet for the righteous, they will be consumed with light.

Don’t know about you, but my greatest fear, is the fear of losing His presence. Like Moses said, “If Your presence does not go before us, we do not go!” Without His presence, there is no fear of sinning! And if there is no fear of sinning, conscious of it or not, a spirit of compromise will be burned within the heart. The worst doers of evil do the evil because there is no fear of consequence.

Sin is disobedience to all the commandments of Elohim.

Grace in the covenant








His covenant, together with His commandments or teachings, which are the good instructions for righteous living within His Kingdom, are not to be treated as something “Old” and something “New.” Many believe, through the deception and twisting of the enemy, that there is an “Old” and “New” covenant and that the “grace” poured out in the “New” was somehow meant to be the divider that separates between the two. The enemy has used “grace” against Yahuah’s own people. I have read in many places in the “Old” of His poured-out grace, and not just in the “New”.

Grace does not allow for the continuation of sin, but is a gift to the believer to STOP sinning. The “grace” movement has separated people not UNTO Elohim…but FROM Elohim.

He is perfect

I have heard many times of people saying we are born sinners and I believed this for a long time. I have even heard someone say the Creator is not perfect and also makes mistakes. What is this; He was perfect when He created the world and the nature within but He was not perfect when He made man. How can that be. We are not born sinners; we learn to sin. The Creator is perfect, it is the people that make Him seem to be not perfect. We were created in the image of Elohim—born in the likeness of His nature. Sin is NEVER supposed to be who we are, else our Messiah’s death was in vain—a laughable joke.







His presence is meant to keep us from sinning, through the fear of being separated from Him again. Read Exodus chapters 19 and 20. It is frightful to fall into the hands of the Living Elohim, for He is a consuming fire.

Lawlessness (sin)

Lawlessness must be removed within the body of Messiah. Sin is a disease, that must be CUT out with the Sword of the Word of Elohim. “Thy Word is truth,” Yahusha said. Lawlessness is cut out with truth. Do we compromise? Do we abuse the grace that has been given to us to continue living? To abuse grace is to reject any gift to support us in receiving everlasting life.






Messiah Yahusha, “Yah-saves”, came to set us free from sin, not to set us free to sin freely. Only for those who are already walking in the light as He is in the light, is there forgiveness available. We are human and we do make mistakes. There is forgiveness for mistakes. For the believer, there is forgiveness for unintentional mistakes in our walk toward becoming blameless as our Master requires it—yet there exists NO forgiveness for intentional sin. Shall we crucify again the Savior of our souls? Without set-apartness, no one will see Him (Read Hebrews chapter 12).

Stop lawlessness

Remove the lawlessness from your life. Stop making it a battle that you foresee will never end. Stop believing and confessing the same old excuse that we are only human and that we will never be perfect! WRONG thinking! This thinking is blasphemy in the eyes of our Father, Who sent His Son to pay for the debt of sin, and Who gave His own Spirit so that we CAN have power over sin—so that we CAN be perfected (made complete) in Him.

Should we continue sinning so that grace may increase? Elohim forbid! (Romans 6:1). Should we continue sinning because of the attitude of ‘what’s the use, I’ll never be perfect anyway!’ If it were not possible to live a blameless life here on this earth, then Messiah died for nothing. Messiah paid the debt for past sins, not for the luxury to continue repeating them.

Hate that vile enemy called sin. CUT it out of you like a cancer. Do not forget the foundation of the true Gospel and do not let His Words depart from you. He has called us to life, and if it so happens that we must lay down our life for Him—we have not lost our physical life in vain, but have gained the very victory that Yahusha Himself gained when He conquered sin in His flesh.












Arise and go to war

Go to war my friend—go to war against those things that cause you to wander from the presence of the only One Who is worth running to. Sin cannot dwell under the shadow of the Most High. Therefore, those who continually sin cannot be protected from what is coming. The only place to hide is under the shadow of His wings. If we allow sin to continue within our lives, we will have no excuse when the time comes to answer for our “issues” that so plagued our earthly lives.

Arise my friend, and let your sins be scattered. Let the sin that rises up against you, flee before you. Issue a death warrant against the sin in your life, and do not rest until it is found, convicted, and put to death. We are commanded to do so. We do not belong to ourselves.

Passionate love for the Creator

I plead with you and for all that will hear the cry of the Father’s heart. Listen to Abba Father’s voice.

Madness is coming. Madness is here. Madness comes to those who reject His presence. Are you burning for Him in passionate love, or are you waiting this whole thing out to see if it is all just a fairy tale?



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