Thursday 15 September 2022

Another god









Are we in a personal relationship with the one true Almighty Creator of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or are we in a religion?

In our modern bibles the Creator is known as the Lord in capital letters.

Both the Christian religion, the Almighty is known as Lord – kyrios (Greek) and in the Jewish religion as Adonai (Lord) – adon (Hebrew).

Ancient Israel at various times worshipped false gods, like the Phoenician (Canaanite) god known as Baal in Hebrew – Aryan root Bhal, which means to shine.

Baal in English is: lord, possessor. There was Baal-gad (Lord of good fortune), Baal-hamon (lord of the wealth), Baal-hanan (lord of grace), Baal-tamar (lord of the psalm tree), etc. The title “lord (baal),” is applied to all heathen deities.

“And it shall be, in that day,” declares Yahuah, “that you call Me ‘My Husband,’and no longer call Me ‘My Baal.’ (Hosea 2:16).








The meaning is that Israel will enter into right relation with Yah, in which Israel will look toward Yah as her husband, and not merely as master.

Israel calls Yah her husband when she stands in right relation to Him; when she acknowledges, reveres, and loves Him, as He has revealed Himself, i.e., as the only true living Almighty.

On the other hand, Israel calls Him Baal (Lord) when she places the true Almighty on the level of the Baals (Lords), either worshipping other gods along with Yah, or by obliterating the essential distinction between Yah and the Baals (Lords).

These Baals were worshipped on high places with a sacred pillar close by. The high places had chambers for scared prostitution by male prostitutes and harlots.

Lord denoting ownership; hence, absolute control. It is not properly a divine title, being used of the owner of slaves (a master).

Is the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob an owner (master) of slaves or even a controller or a possessor of all?

Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is passionate, merciful, love and grace. He has given us a free-will and a mind of our own to choose whatever we want to do or follow.







He is not a slave master and does not control anyone but is a caring Elohim (Almighty) that wants a relationship with His creation.

If we choose to follow Him in a relationship then don’t we want to know Him by His personal Name. We call our spouse by his/her name when we choose to be in a relationship with them, why is it different with Yah Almighty.

I do not call Almighty “Lord,” as I have a friendship, a personal relationship with Him that is not a religion.

Various humans are addressed as “lord,” Joseph was “lord” of Pharaoh’s household. There are many pagan idols called “lords,” plus many people and places are known as lord or lords.

My Creator is the only true Almighty One and I praise Yahuah my Elohim.



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