Thursday 8 September 2022



YAHUAH had inflicted the plague upon Pharaoh king of Egypt, he (Pharaoh) asked his wise men and sorcerers to cure him. And his wise men and sorcerers said unto him, that if the blood of little children were put into the wounds he would be healed. And Pharaoh hearkened to them and sent his ministers to Goshen to the children of Yisrael to take their little children. And Pharaoh's ministers went and took the infants of the children of Yisrael from the bosoms of their mothers by force, and they brought them to Pharaoh daily, a child each day, and the physicians killed them and applied them to the plague; thus, did they all the days. Read Jasher 76:25-32.

“And the light of a lamp shall not shine in you any more at all. And the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you any more at all. For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, for by your drug sorcery all the nations were led astray. Read Revelation 18:21-24.


Babylon's merchants are the rich men (the elites) of the earth.  Jasher speaks of Egypt and Revelation speaks of Babylon, both are the same wicked system of the earth.

What is sorcery/sorcerers?


The word used here in Greek (G5331) is “Pharmakia (pharmakeia)” where we get the word for pharmacy. Definition: from G5332 – medication (pharmacy) that is magic – sorcery, witchcraft.



MAG'IC, n. [L. magia; Gr. a philosopher among the Persians.] The art or science of putting into action the power of spirits; or the science of producing wonderful effects by the aid of superhuman beings, or of departed spirits; sorcery; enchantment.

PHARMACEU'TICAL, a. [Gr. to practice witchcraft or use medicine; poison or medicine.] Pertaining to the knowledge or art of pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines.



Magical pharmacia substances or potions often bind someone under a spell by evocation with and without uttered word formulas. Cosmetics, lotions and perfumes were also made by practitioners of pharmaceuticalism and by extension any lab made substance or chemical falls in the realm of pharmakeia or pharmacia.  In modern times petrochemicals are used to create chemical reactions with plants to create pharmaceutical substances.

Babylon has been a trading system (Revelation 17:9) controlled by other nations almost since the fall of man (Ezekiel 28:1-4, 13-16) and has been the number one enemy against YAH’s spirit of love, outward giving and concern and has caused the death of untold millions throughout history. Due to the global world government set up by end time Babylon many untold millions will be martyred by the beast system instituted by Babylon.

The sorcery/sorcerers of that time used blood of children for medicine and in our time, it’s still been done via aborted babies. Nothing new under the sun.


Most people working in the pharmacy system today have good intentions for helping people, but it is the unseen within the pharmacy where the harm is done.

Those whose eyes and ears are open will know it is the system of this world that wants to harm people with pharmacy been one of many ways.

Majority of people are asleep and don’t have discernment including believers.

Babylon has deceived the people through trust in medicine instead of trust in YAHuah.

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