Thursday 29 September 2022

Pure lip (Clean language)









“For then I shall turn unto the peoples a clean lip, so that they all call on the Name of Yahuah, to serve Him with one consent.(Zephaniah 3:9).

In that day all the peoples of the world will know Him by the one Name which was revealed to ancient Israel. (Zechariah 14:9).









And that Name which Yahusha the Messiah made known to His disciples. (John 17:6).

This promise of knowing His Name is made known to us as well. (John 17:26).

Those who are dedicated and serve Him, will have a pure lip!

“Calling on the Name of Yahuah” causes Him to send His Spirit (Ruach), the Set-apart Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit that washes away the filth from Israel. (Isaiah 4:4).












The Messiah has begun to set apart and to cleanse His assembly with the washing of water by His Word. (Ephesians 5:26).

He is cleansing His assembly from all the pagan names (idols) and traditions that crept into His people and their lifestyle.

The Almighty said, “I will cut off the names of the idols from the land.” (Zechariah 13:2).







That time is now and we are privileged to be part of the cleansing process.

Cleanse the assembly of Yah.



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