Thursday 6 October 2022








Are you in agreement with our Elohim?

We are expected to be in a two-party agreement with Elohim if we are “true-followers of the way.”

We don’t have a testament set up but we have an eternal Covenant with Him.

The word “testament” comes from mystery Babylon and gives the wrong impression of receiving only which contributes to the error teaching of “only believe,” “grace only,” “good works are unnecessary,” “love only.”









Love according to scripture is totally different to the love of the world and the reason for the troubles we experience in these days.

Love is not the rule whereby we must live, love is the principle whereby we must live.

Scriptural love is qualified, it is specified by the requirements of the law.

Unqualified love grants permission for the act of adultery for the sake of love.

The covenant love is defined as the keeping of the commands of Yahuah (1 John 5:3).










Elohim warns us of this “believe only” doctrine and of the man of lawlessness, the great apostasy in Psalm 2:1-6.

We have inherited these lies through the traditions of men and broken the everlasting Covenant.

The curse has swallowed-up the earth (Isaiah 24:5-6)

Because of this, ancient Israel was given up to worship the host of heaven. He has done the same, to us too.

A testament is a written instrument by which someone has disposed of his estate.

This is the great apostasy of our time and it is all because of man-made traditions. (Romans 8:7)

A covenant is a binding agreement between parties; it is a two-party solemn arrangement bound by oath.





As believers, we are to be in a covenant relationship with Yahuah, with the Messiah being the Mediator. (Hebrews 8:6, 9:15, 12:24)

It is not a religion which man has made.

What is the sign of the eternal Covenant: the Sabbath. (Exodus 31:16-17)

Shall we return to the agreement – the eternal Covenant. (Hebrews 13:20)



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