Thursday 26 January 2023

The Majestic......





Who is your judge? Is it the supreme court (government)?

Who provides your law? Is it the government of the country or maybe the Rabbi/Pastor?

Who is king over you? Is it a president or the leader of the country you live in?

Who will save you? Is it the WHO or big pharma?

Who is your majestic one...?


Isaiah 33:22 speaks the truth on who is Majestic.

Yah is our judge

Yah is our lawgiver (Torah)

Yah is our King

Yah will save us.








Does anyone appointed as a leader/minister in government, a court and health care follow the ways of Yah.

If these appointees are not following Yah's way as a judge, as a lawgiver, as a president or as a health care then they do not represent the people of Yah.

If we want it to go well with us, we need to be free from bondage.

Turn back to Yah, our judge, our lawgiver, our King so we can be delivered.


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