Thursday 23 February 2023

Covenant with man






Very important to understand with whom did YAH make a covenant and what promises where given in the process.

In Genesis 28:13, YAH said to Jacob the land on which he was lying, would be given to him and his seed.

This promise of the land to Jacob was fulfilled many years later when Joshua and the people went into the land to live in.

Further in Genesis 28:14, YAH said to Jacob, his seed will become like the dust of the earth, other words they would become many people.

YAH added his seed would grow so large by spreading out to the four corners of the earth and all the families of the earth shall be blessed by them.








Here is the understanding: The covenant was made to a people and not to a land. No matter where these people lived the covenant was with them, not the land they lived in.

Break it down further: Only a remnant of Jacob's seed will keep the covenant. It is a remnant of people, not a land. Many from Jacob’s seed did not walk in the covenant when they were in the promised land. If a part of Jacob’s seed decided not to walk in His covenant, are they considered His people?

Many foreigners or strangers from other nations accepted Yah’sways and walked in the covenant, are they considered His people?










Today there are only a remnant walking in the covenant, including a mixed multitude. They are grafted into Israel, and known as Yah’s people.

The land that was given to Jacob was known as the promised land. Jacob's seed was living in the promised land within areas of their tribes, example Gad, Dan, Judah, Reuben, Ephraim and so forth.

Who is Yasrael (Israel)?

Jacob’s name was changed to Israel and his children became known as the children of Israel. To understand the promise Yah made with Jacob, each one of us coming into the faith need to understand the meaning “Israel.”





Once you understand the true meaning of Israel, then you will know Yah’s covenant.

It is not the land that is Israel, it’s the people that are in this land of which the nation is called Israel. Father did not tell Jacob or his seed to name the promised land Israel.

Is it making any sense?

Father says my people hear my voice!

Israel is those who hear and obey Yah’s voice. Those who do not hear and obey are not Israel.



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