Thursday 9 February 2023

Hatched adders








Yah says His saving hand is still available for those who want to be saved.

He will hear the cries of people’s prayers but the people need to turn away from sin (lawlessness).

Their iniquities have separated them from Yah and their sins have made Yah not to hear their prayers. (Isaiah 59:1)

So called believers hands are covered with blood, doing iniquity, speaking falsehood and lies.

Few people calling for doing right and asking for truth.

They would rather trust the media, speak words that are meaningless but bring only trouble that ends in wickedness. (Isiah 59:2-3)

Their schools are a web for young people to teach them wicked ways and grow up to live unrighteous.

The next generation are then taught by these people who lived unrighteous for wrong to increase.

They have been taught to be wicked and the cycle continues till there is no righteousness found anywhere on the earth.












The works of their hands are violence and doing wrong.

They have no problem shedding innocent blood be it directly or indirectly, it becomes normal for them to be part of the wrong.

They do not have inner peace, the only path they follow is wickedness. (Isaiah 59:4-5)

Many looks for answers but do not find it. They look for light but find only darkness.









It’s like being blind trying to find the way but the only outcome is a dead-end. (Isaiah 59:6-9)

Many become angry and some moan about the situation but do nothing: deliverance is far away.

But still they kept increasing with wickedness (sin) and they know it’s the cause of their fall.

Adders are hatched in each new generation.









Many confess to be believers and think they can hide their sins from Yah.

They preach lies and falsehood from their heart, turning further away from Elohim.

Righteousness stands far off and truth is nowhere to be seen or heard. (Isaiah 59:10-11)

Truth is found less and less and those who want to turn away from sin find themselves under pressure and eventually give up.

Yah was not pleased seeing the wickedness and in these days, He too will not be pleased. (Isaiah 59:12-15)

Looking at today, are we in the same position as the past where there is no to little truth found.










Is Yah also far off and not hearing those who are calling out to Him because of sin. (Isaiah 59:16)








The difference between Isaiah’s times and now is the Messiah come to pay for the sins of the people but lawlessness is still here today.

Even though Messiah has paid the price does not mean truth is no longer required.

Yah has not changed, separation from Yah is still at hand for those who are with sin. It does not mean we can continue in sin because Messiah has taken our punishment for our transgression against Yah.

We need to be moving away from the wrong path and to walk in Yah’s path of righteousness.

We are not righteous but in Yah’s way we walk in righteousness.

Sin is lawlessness which leads to death.

Law leads us on the ways of Yah to deliverance.







Messiah did not take sin away; he only paid the death penalty for sin (those who sinned when they turned back (repented) to Yah and His ways).

He restored the covenant for us to be a family with Yah again.

We do not do the works of the law but we do the love of the law.

We need to teach the next generation the ways of YAH and not the way of the adders.

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