Thursday 11 May 2023

Abominations in the temple








Ezekiel the prophet was lifted up in spirit by means of visions through Yah to the temple in Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 8:1-3). The description of what Ezekiel saw was also noted by Daniel and John in Daniel 10:5-6 and Revelation 1:12-15.

Ezekiel was taken to the inner gate facing north of the temple and the prophet was shown a seat of the image of jealousy that was at the north gate of the altar. (Ezekiel 8:4-5)

First abomination: Image of jealousy

No one can say what this image really was but some say it was an image of baal or astarte and some say it was an image of tammuz/adonis. This worship of the image of jealousy provoked Yah to jealousy, to destroy these wicked people.









And He said to me, “Son of man, do you see what they are doing, the great abominations which the house of Yisra’el are doing here, driving Me away from My set-apart place? (Ezekiel 8:6)

Yah is telling Ezekiel, the abominations of Israel are making Him to leave the temple.

Next, Ezekiel was taken to the door where he saw a hole which was dug into and led to a door (Ezekiel 8:7-8)

Second abomination: creeping creatures and beasts.

All these creatures and beasts were carved in the temple wall. (Ezekiel 8:10). Egyptian idolatry: The Egyptian worship of animals is well known and Israel brought these idols to the temple.

Seventy men of the elders of the house of Yisra’el were facing these idols (Ezekiel 8:11). It appears that these were privately worshipped by the priests, consisting of seventy persons. In the midst of these people was the son of the scribe (Shaphan).










They were doing all these abdominal things in secret, out of the eyes of the normal people but they forgot Yah sees all things (Ezekiel 8:12).

Third abomination: Weeping for tammuz

Ezekiel was taken to the door of the north gate where he saw woman sitting and weeping for tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14). Tammuz was the son of Istar (astarte) a.k.a queen of heaven.






Forth abomination: worship eastward to the sun

At the inner court of the temple, Ezekiel saw 25 men with their backs toward the temple and facing towards the east worshipping the sun (Ezekiel 8:16).

Yah asks if this is a small matter to the house of Judah to do these abominations. It is due to these abominations that violence comes to the land. (Ezekiel 8:17).

Yah said this to Ezekiel about the abominations Israel were doing: “Therefore I shall indeed deal in wrath. My eye shall not pardon nor would I spare. And they shall cry in My ears with a loud voice, but I shall not hear them.” (Ezekiel 8:18).









The True Worship became mixed with (defiled with) sun-worship.

2 Kings 23:4-11 confirms what idols were worshipped by Israel: objects made for baal, istar (Astarte) and the host of the heavens (stars, moon and sun). Including were istar (Astarte) poles or sun-pillars, male prostitutes, women weaving shelters for istar (Astarte/Asherah), high worship places and places where children were offered to Molech (molek).

Question: Do you think these idols are still worship today.

Remember in those days the normal people may not have known of the idol worshipping when going to the temple. Also remember this idol worship was done in secret, maybe unknowingly presented to the people or maybe they did know but their eyes and ears were closed.

Today we are presented with traditions and various doctrines from the priests, pastors, churches, rabbis, synagogues and other institutions. Many today are still done in secret, unknowingly to the masses, following a religion made by man.

What Yah said to Ezekiel, is applicable to us as well. Let me remind you of His words to Ezekiel: “Therefore I shall indeed deal in wrath. My eye shall not pardon nor would I spare. And they shall cry in My ears with a loud voice, but I shall not hear them.” (Ezekiel 8:18).

Stephen said in Acts 7:42 Elohim turned and gave them up to worship the host of the heaven because of their disobedience.

Yah will do it again in our time. Nothing is new.

So, are you knowingly or unknowingly worshipping the host of the heavens through your pastor, priest or rabbi?

Are the pastor, priest or rabbi today still worshipping idols in secret.







Search for truth through the Ruach (Holy Spirit) of Yahuah.






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