Thursday 4 May 2023

Ezekiel in order








Do you know the chapters in the book of Ezekiel are not in chronological order? The book of Ezekiel is quiet difficult to understand, if you read it in the current chapter order (1 to 48) in the scripture version you presently have; KJV, ESV, ISR and others.

I believe this will change once you realize the chapters are not in order and read them in their order of occurrence in time.

To find the order, you can do your own investigation with the scripture version you have in your possession.

Ezekiel the prophet always starts of his writings with the year, the month and the day, example; in the sixth year, in the sixth month, on the fifth day, ……….

Now go through Ezekiel and write down the dates of each chapter and then place the dates (year, month and day) in chronological order.

You will be surprised.









The question I have at this stage is why are the writings of Ezekiel not in the correct order, was this done in error, or was it done purposely. By whom was the writings placed in this order: was it by the enemy or was it by Yah, or did Yah tell someone to place it in this order. Did the enemy place the chapters in this order to confuse/deceive the believer or did Yah instruct it this way for only those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.

As I start my study, I pray the Ruach of Yahuah will lead me to understand the prophesy of Ezekiel given by Yahuah in the order of the dates.

Below is the order of chapters as per the year, month and day written by the prophet. The chapter in the chronological order first followed in brackets by the chapter numbers as given to us in our scriptures.









Chapter 1 (Chapter 8)

Chapter 2 (Chapter 9)

Chapter 3 (Chapter 10)

Chapter 4 (Chapter 11)

Chapter 5 (Chapter 12)

Chapter 6 (Chapter 13)

Chapter 7 (Chapter 14)

Chapter 8 (Chapter 15)

Chapter 9 (Chapter 16)

Chapter 10 (Chapter 17)

Chapter 11 (Chapter 18)

Chapter 12 (Chapter 19)

Chapter 13 (Chapter 20)

Chapter 14 (Chapter 21)

Chapter 15 (Chapter 22)

Chapter 16 (Chapter 23)

Chapter 17 (Chapter 24)

Chapter 18 (Chapter 25)

Chapter 19 (Chapter 29:1-16)

Chapter 20 (Chapter 26)

Chapter 21 (Chapter 27)

Chapter 22 (Chapter 28)

Chapter 23 (Chapter 30:20-26)

Chapter 24 (Chapter 31)

Chapter 25 (Chapter 32:17-32)

Chapter 26 (Chapter 33:1-20)

Chapter 27 (Chapter 32:1-16)

Chapter 28 (Chapter 33:21-33)

Chapter 29 (Chapter 34)

Chapter 30 (Chapter 35)

Chapter 31 (Chapter 36)

Chapter 32 (Chapter 37)

Chapter 33 (Chapter 38)

Chapter 34 (Chapter 39)

Chapter 35 (Chapter 40)

Chapter 36 (Chapter 41)

Chapter 37 (Chapter 42)

Chapter 38 (Chapter 43)

Chapter 39 (Chapter 44)

Chapter 40 (Chapter 45)

Chapter 41 (Chapter 46)

Chapter 42 (Chapter 47)

Chapter 43 (Chapter 48)

Chapter 44 (Chapter 29:17-21)

Chapter 45 (Chapter 30:1-19)

Chapter 46 (Chapter 1)

Chapter 47 (Chapter 2)

Chapter 48 (Chapter 3)

Chapter 49 (Chapter 4)

Chapter 50 (Chapter 5)

Chapter 51 (Chapter 6)

Chapter 51 (Chapter 7)







Once we have the chapters in the right order, the prophesy given by Ezekiel will be clear.

May the Ruach of Yah lead us in truth – His truth.

Don’t just believe what I have written above, please do your own investigation and pray for guidance.






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