Friday 26 May 2023

Psalm 68:4– Yah



Do you see what I see when reading the following bible translations: Scriptures, KJV, 1611 KJV, RV, ASV, Geneva and the Tanach (Jewish).

Psalm 68:4 Sing to Elohim, sing praises to His Name. Raise up a highway for Him Who rides through the deserts, by His Name Yah, and exult before Him. (Scriptures)

Psalm 68:4 Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him. (KJV)

Psalm 68:4 Sing vnto God, sing praises to his Name: extoll him that rideth vpon the heauens, by his Name Iah, and reioyce before him. (1611 KJV)








Psalm 68:4 Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: cast up a highway for him that rideth through the deserts; his name is JAH; and exult ye before him. (Revised version)

Psalm 68:4 Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: Cast up a highway for him that rideth through the deserts; His name is Jehovah; and exult ye before him. (American standard version)

Psalm 68:4 Sing vnto God, and sing prayses vnto his name: exalt him that rideth vpon the heauens, in his Name Iah, and reioyce before him. (Geneva)

Psalm 68:4 Sing to God, make music to His Name: extol He Who rides upon the highest heavens, with His Name Yah, and exult before Him (Jewish Tanach (The stone edition))

Did you notice it?

I see the Almighty’s Name written in short – Yah. Other translations mention Jah, Iah and Jehovah.












The newer translations (ESV, ISV, NIV) replaced His Name with another name.

Psalm 68:4 Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the LORD; exult before him! (English standard version)

Psalm 68:4 Sing to God! Sing praise to his name! Exalt the one who rides on the clouds. The LORD is his name. Be jubilant in his presence. (International standard version)

Does it make any sense when you read this part of the verse found in the ESV, ISV or NIV; his name is the LORD (ESV+NIV)/ The LORD is his name (ISV).

What does Lord mean and is Lord His Name?

The question you should ask yourself, why in most translations of Psalm 68:4 is His Name “Yah” been mentioned. Did the English bible translators’ miss this one verse when they replaced His Name with Lord in the rest of the bible.












Take a moment and think about it! What is going on here?

Are you hungry for truth or are you one of the majorities that will say “whatever?”

You make your own decision.

The Almighty knocked at my door and I let Him in through His Ruach and never again to turn back to my old ways.

Make music to His Name. Are you making music to His Name or are you making music to another name because YAH and LORD is not the same name or having the same meaning?



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