Thursday 8 August 2024

Girdle gone to ruin








Jeremiah was instructed to buy a gridle (belt or band) that you put around your waist. He had to bury this gridle in the ground and at a later stage dig the gridle up. The gridle was completely ruined when Jeremiah dug it up from the hole, where he buried it (Jeremiah 13:1-7).

Then Yahuah said to Jeremiah, “You see, I have ruined the pride of Yahudah (Judah) and Israel – Jeremiah 13:9.












Below is a break down of what would occur to Yahudah and Israel because of their sin – read Jeremiah 13:10-14 for your own understanding.

1)      Yah says the evil people refuse to hear My Words, walking after their own heart (Israel/Judah).

2)      Yah compares the ruined gridle to the people’s sins, completely useless.

3)      For as this girdle holds fast to the loins of a man, so I have caused the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah to cling to Me, to be My people.

4)      But they WOULD NOT LISTEN TO ME.

5)      Yah says, because you have not listened, I will bring drunkenness on all of Jerusalem, including the priests and prophets.

6)      Yah will not have pity or compassion on them because they would not listen.

7)      Although in the people's complacency they looked for prosperity (illustrated by the wine), in reality they would behave in the coming crisis as a drunkard unable to distinguish ally from enemy.

Jeremiah then pleads to the people to repent and turn away from their sin (Jeremiah 13:15-17).

Jeremiah says to the people “Listen to Yah’s word, do not be proud, before He brings punishment on us.

Jeremiah warns the people of the punishment to come, and pleads that they humble themselves (Jeremiah 13:18-21)






Then when the people are punished for their sins, they ask why has this happened to me but it would be for your sin that you would not turn away from (Jeremiah 13:22-23).

The next word is an eye opener for me.

Jeremiah 13:23 Does a Kushite change his skin and a leopard its spots? You who are taught to do evil are also unable to do good!

Can those who are taught to do evil be able to do good. Is sin like second nature. Leopard is a leopard, cannot change its spots.








People still did not listen after Jeremiah spoke to them and then the punishment came upon the people – read Jeremiah 13:24-27.

This Yahuah did to the people He chose to be His, because they did not listen to His voice but went after the world’s idols.







Now the question? Are we listening to His voice and following His words?

Do you think the same thing will happen to us who do not listen to His voice as what happen to Israel and Judah in those times?

You have the choice to listen or not to listen.



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