Thursday 22 August 2024

Hard words to hear








The words spoken in Jeremiah chapter 15 are hard to hear. These words make me very sad and I can imagine how Jeremiah must have felt when he heard them.

At this point Yahuah had enough with the sins of His people. Yahuah goes so far to say, “even if Moses and Samuel were standing before Me now, this people will not be Mine any longer.” Send them away from My presence, let them go. (Jeremiah 15:1)

Yahuah is speaking about the people He choose to be His, not to any gentles or strangers but the chosen.

While I’m reading this chapter, I think about today where there are a group of people that say they are the chosen people and I wonder to whom are they chosen? Are we been deceived or could it be that this scripture is corrupted? Who do I believe, the people of this world or the scripture I have in my position? Please give me wisdom Father Yahuah.




In Jeremiah chapter 15 Yahuah will destroy His people because their sins became so great that there was no other way but to punish. Remember in this time the animal sacrifices must have still been carried out in the temple but not even these sacrifices could prevent Yahuah from brining punishment on them. For this great punishment to take place we must understand what was going on in Jerusalem for Yahuah to destroy this place. Read 2 Kings 21:1-16 to find out what sins were going on in Jerusalem by the King of Judah and the inhabitants.

Even Jeremiah was asking why he was born in this time just like Job asked when he went through trouble times (Job 3:1 and Job 10:18-19).

In Jeremiah 15:2-3 Thus said Yahuah, this is where these people shall go, “Those for death, to death. And those for the sword, to the sword. And those for scarcity of food, to scarcity of food. And those for captivity, to captivity.” ’“And I shall appoint over them four kinds,” declares Yahuah, “the sword to slay, the dogs to drag, the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the earth to devour and destroy.

Hard words to hear.

“For who has compassion on you, O Jerusalem? And who mourns for you? And who turns aside to ask how you are doing? (Jeremiah 15:5).


Jeremiah 15:6 “You who have forsaken Me,” declares Yahuah, “you have gone backward. Therefore I shall stretch out My hand against you and destroy you. I have been weary of relenting!

Here are some good words to hear from Yahuah in Jeremiah 15:7 as some will be sift out with a fork but the rest of His people shall be destroyed because they did not turn away from their own ways.


Jeremiah 15:8-9 tells of all the pain the people will go through when punished. Very sad to read this part.

“Their widows shall be more numerous than the sand of the seas. I shall bring against them, against the mother of the young men, a ravager at noon. I shall cause agitation and sudden alarm to fall on her, suddenly. “She who has borne seven shall pine away. She shall breathe her last. Her sun shall go down while it is yet day. She shall be put to shame and be humiliated. And their remnant I give up to the sword before their enemies,” declares Yahuah.









In the next message to follow, we hear what Jeremiah says about these hard words that Yahuah has spoken. Title of next message is - I am called by Your name.

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