Thursday 29 August 2024

I am called by Your name






Jeremiah was chosen by Yahuah to be a prophet. Jeremiah in the old Hebrew language was YirmeYahu meaning Yahu exalts or Yahu will uplift (Yah loosens).

Jeremiah 15:16 Your Words were found and I ate them; and Your Word was to me the joy and gladness of my heart. For I am called by Your name, O Yahuah, Elohim of Hosts.

Part of Jeremiah’s name included Yahuah (Yahu).






Jeremiah as prophet did not have it easy as we read in Jeremiah 15:10 he grieved to the point of regretting his very birth.

Verse 10 Woe to me, my mother, that you have borne me, a man of strife, and a man of contention to the whole earth! I have not loaned, nor have they loaned to me; yet everyone curses me.






Jeremiah also reminds Yahuah of what he was committed too.

Jeremiah 15:15-16 You Yourself know, O Yahuah. Remember me and visit me, and take vengeance for me on these who persecute me. In Your patience, do not take me away. Know that for You I have suffered reproach. Your Words were found and I ate them; and Your Word was to me the joy and gladness of my heart.


Jeremiah 15:17-18 I have not sat in the company of the mockers, nor do I exult. I have sat alone because of Your hand, for You have filled me with displeasure. Why is my pain without end and my wound incurable, which refuses to behealed? Are You to me like a failing stream, as waters not steadfast?

Jeremiah is a normal man going the same things we today go through. He was called by Yahuah to a task but did not mean he would be a super human without problems.

Yahuah responds to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 15:20-21.

“And I shall make you to this people a strong bronze wall. And they shall fight against you, but not overcome you. For I am with you to save you and deliver you,” declares Yahuah. “And I shall deliver you from the hand of evil-doers, and I shall ransom you from the grip of the ruthless.”

Some will say verse 20-21 is not meant for Jeremiah but to Israel which could be the case but to me it is meant to Jeremiah as well. Jeremiah 15:19 is directly spoken through Jeremiah to Israel.









In Jeremiah chapter 16 Yahuah tells the prophet not to take a wife or to have children due to the punishment that will come upon these people of wickedness.

Yahuah instructs Jeremiah not to enter people’s houses, break bread with them or to mourn for them or have feasts with them – Jeremiah 16:3-8.

Jeremiah 16:9 For thus said Yahuah of hosts, the Elohim of Yisra’el, “See, before your eyes and in your days, I am making the voice of rejoicing and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride to cease in this place.


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