Wednesday 18 September 2024

Our parents have inherited lies and vanity



O Yahuah, my strength and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the nations shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, our fathers have inherited only lies, vanity, and there is no profit in them – Jeremiah 16:19.




This is what the people will be saying at Messiah's return when they see all their pagan customs were not pleasing to Yahuah and only brought curses.

The truth, and the Messiah, was given to Yisra’el, not to the pagan nations.







If we want to be part of Yahuah’s truth then we need to turn away from the lies and futility that our parents inherited and start walking in Yahuah’s righteousness. This includes all the traditions we have added to a simple, easy to follow Word.

Would man make idols for himself, which are not but dead wood, stone, steel, money, buildings etc. (Jeremiah 16:20).









The good news is Yahuah will cause them to know His hand and His might; and they shall know that His Name is Yahuah (Jeremiah 16:21).

When the true Yasra'el (Israel) is returned no longer will Yahuah be referred to by pagan titles and names but all people will know that Yahuah is the one redeeming them.


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