Wednesday 11 May 2016


The opposite of truth is "lie" or "falsehood," but so is "deceit" & "deception."

Satan, the devil, is the father of all lies, there is no truth in him - read John 8:44. He is also the great deceiver (Revelation 12:9), deceiving the whole world. He started his work of deceiving in the garden of Eden, and he has been doing it ever since, even coming as a messenger of light, and through his ministers who present themselves as ministers of righteousness.



Paul warns us in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 that false prophets, apostles, pastors, deceptive workers masquerade as teachers of Messiah in Paul's time and today in our modern time.

In Matthew 24, speaking about the days prior to His return, Yahusha (Yahshua/Yesha/Jesus) Messiah warns us no less than 4 times against being deceived (or lead astray) during the last days (verse 4, 5, 11 &24).

If anyone says anything about Father’s word or you read something from someone e.g.from the internet or a book and the content or information (or video) does not correspond with scripture then you need to question this. If an article/book/video talks about some truth and the other half is not from scripture, again do not just accept what was said or seen. I remind myself daily when reading or watching to be watchful/careful/aware of what Messiah said, be careful not to be deceived”. These were Messiah’s first words in Matthew 24, be careful not to be deceived, no matter who the person is.

Sometimes people may say or publish something that is not all true but will do it in error, not realizing the mistake. Any true person who has Messiah, which makes an error, will accept correction from someone else showing him his error. Correction is done in love as Messiah also corrected people with love.

It is written in scripture, we must test everything to find out if it is true (from Father) or false (from satan), test everything even what the pastor preaches.  

The world and its system are run by satan and his followers, which are out to deceive, steal, kill and destroy wherever they go.

Paul (Shaul) reveals this to us as well in 2 Thessalonians 2, and explicitly warns us about "lawlessness" (rebellion) taking over in the place of Worship. Literally this means a defection from truth.

This lawlessness is associated with "deceit", "falsehood" and "delusion." Satan knows all the tricks in the book to deceive you; he even uses church leaders to spread his lies.

But evil men and pretenders will grow worse and worse, leading astray and being led astray – 2 Timothy 3:13. Look around you, what Paul has written here in this verse is all around us, there are many pretenders who say with their lips they follow Elohim but their actions show a different story. Be awake; remember the Messiah’s words not to be deceived!

How would you know what is truth or what is false when a preacher preaches it to you?

The only way is to love Heavenly Father/Messiah, walk in righteousness, give your life 100% to Messiah which in turn will give you His Spirit to guide and show you the truth.

You need to spend quality time reading Father's word (scripture), to have a relationship with Him, to understand His will (desire), by doing this, deception will not over run you.

So that we may no longer be children, being blown and carried about by every wind of false doctrine of men, who through their craftiness are very skilful in deceiving the people; - Ephesians 4:14.

Stay in His word, and you will not be blown around from one corner to the other corner. Satan only comes to deceive and destroy by tickling the ears with little truth. Many people are confused between the truth and what is man-made given by their father the devil.



If you have the Spirit of Messiah, then no one, not even satan will be able to deceive you! He may try but he will fail!

WARNING: Take heed of yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and you turn aside and serve other gods, and bow down to them; and the anger of Yahuah (Yahweh) glow against you, and He shut up the heavens, and there be no rain, and you perish quickly from off the good land which Yahuah (Yahweh) is giving to you – Deuteronomy 11:16-17.

More WARNINGS: Or do you not know that unjust ones will not inherit the kingdom of Elohim? Do not be led astray (BE NOT DECEIVED), neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the corrupt, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous ones, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists shall inherit the kingdom of Elohim – 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

Do not be deceived; bad companionships ruins good habits – 1 Corinthians 15:33. Is this not true, you will be like the people whom you associate with. Bad friends only mislead you to do bad things.

Proverbs 13:20, says He who walks with the wise shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be broken.

Do not be deceived by bad friends/family, as it is better to be rejected by friends/family than by the Almighty.

Do not be deceived, Elohim (Almighty God) is not mocked. For whatever a man may sow, that he also will reap – Galatians 6:7.

Lastly; Because many deceivers went out into the world, those not confessing Yahusha (Yahshua/Yesha/Jesus) Messiah to have come in the flesh, such a person is a deceiver and an anti-Messiah – 2 John 1:7.



Bless Yah

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