Thursday 5 May 2016

Love Heavenly Father the Creator with all you have


    Indescribable – The movie
During the week I watched a movie called "Indescribable". The story is about a 10 year old boy who has a problem with loving Heavenly Father (Yahuah / Yahweh)…. For example as stated in Matthew 22:37 and Deut. 6:5. The boy could not understand how to love Father without seeing Him, touching Him or hearing Him.
After many weeks of struggling with these thought s and feelings his dad tells him the following: You love Heavenly Father with all you have;

1)      How to feel Him – To feel Him, your spirit has to connect with His Spirit which He gives to you. You show loving kindness by sharing and helping others.

2)      You have to spend time to know Him - To know Him; you need to pray to Him all the time. Speak to Him like you speak to your earthly father or mother or other family member. You need to have a relationship with Him.

3)       You need to spend time to understand Him - To understand Him, read and study His word (the Bible), His word gives understanding. Through His Spirit you receive wisdom and truth.

4)       You need to take action - To act; you need to obey Him by doing His will/desire which you will learn from in His word. Once you read His word, you then need to live His word.  
If you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, son, daughter or any material item that you love so much that you cannot be without, Heavenly Father is asking that you Love Him more than those or these things you love here on earth.
Think about it for a moment, your most loved one, Father/Messiah wants you to Love Him more. All the time and effort you make to spend time with your loved ones; Father wants you to spend much more time and make a greater effort with Him.

It could be difficult doing this because we cannot see Him, but if you feel Him, know Him, understand Him and you act on all these, feel, know and understand, you will have no problem obeying Him and having a relationship Him.

That is what Father Yahuah (Yahweh) wants from each one of us, He created us, He made us for a purpose, and all He asks is to Love Him with everything you are/have.  If we love Him then we will obey Him.
What is Yahuah (Yahweh) your Elohim asking of you, but to fear Yahuah your Elohim, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, and to serve Yahuah your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being, to guard the commands of Yahuah and His laws which I command you today for your good? - Deuteronomy 10:12-13.

In Deut. 11:13, Yahuah (Yahweh) says the same thing again as in Deut 10:12-13, but verse 14 adds this; then I shall give you rain for your land….., verse 15, give you food for your livestock, and you shall eat and be satisfied. Other words He will bless you with anything you ask.
All the apostles in the New Testament gave up everything to follow Messiah and to teach the gospel of Heavenly Father's love. They lived for His kingdom and many payed the price for doing so, by being killed (except John). Is that not the ultimate love for Yahuah (Yahweh)?

The first and greatest command for you and me is…

Deuteronomy 6:5, And you (that is you and me) shall love Yahuah (Yahweh) your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.
Joshua reminded Israel to guard the Torah (law) and love Yahuah (Yahweh) your Elohim and walk in His ways, and to serve Him with all their heart and with all their being – Joshua 22:5.

Messiah said in Matthew 22:37, “You (that is you and me) shall love Yahuah (Yahweh) your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”
Mark 12:30, ‘’And you shall love Yahuah (Yahweh) your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first command.

Are you obeying this great command?
Is it difficult to give Him first place in your heart or in your life?

Do you feel Him, know Him, understand Him and act on Him, if your answer is “Yes” then He does take first place in your life.

Bless Yah

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