Sunday 14 May 2017

Love is........

Do you know what love is? What is the love you think you know?
Is it the Hollywood love, the fairy type love taught by the world or is it the love of Yahuah given to us by His Spirit through His Living Torah the Messiah Yahusha?

How is this worldly love expressed to each other which I call "Hollywood love?" We have been taught that showing someone our love is by the following ways;
A romantic dinner for two
Buying presents
Giving red roses with a card which includes beautiful words written in/on the card
A holiday trip to the Caribbean Island.
Buying clothes or perfume

Don't get me wrong! I am not saying doing the above for your loved one is wrong! What I am saying is this; do I show my love to someone by having a romantic dinner at candle light. Is this how I really express my love! Is this not caring, showing appreciation for each other and yes, it can be seen as showing love but it is not the true love!

Do you see it as love when your wife or husband buys you perfume, clothes or takes you away on a weekend holiday? Is it love or is it something else? Is the love we have for each other the same love we have for Yahauh?

I am trying to understand this love! Do I love my wife the same way as I love Yahuah! Is it two different ways of love! Can there be different ways of showing love to my wife and to Yahuah!

What does Yahuah say about love? According to scripture, how does Father asked to be loved?

In Deuteronomy 6:5 Moses tells the people, “And you shall love Yahuah your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might.
John 14:15, “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
John 14:21, “He who possesses My commands and guards them, it is he who loves Me.
1 John 5:3, For this is the love for Elohim, that we guard His commands, and His commands are not heavy,
John 14:23, Yahusha answered him, “If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word. And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our stay with him.
John 15:10, “If you guard My commands, you shall stay in My love, even as I have guarded My Father’s commands and stay in His love.

To show my love for Yahuah, I do His commands (I obey Him). Example; keeping the Sabbath! I am not keeping the Sabbath because I am force to do so! We all are born with a free choice – a gift from Yahuah.
I do not keep the Sabbath because I want to be sure I am saved one day!
I keep the Sabbath because I love Him with all my heart, soul and mind! He says to me, John (Ernest is my first name), if you really love me; then I would want you to keep the Sabbath!
I say to Yahuah; ‘Yahuah,’ I really love You! (Keeping the Sabbath is proof that I love Him. Not keeping the Sabbath my way but His way is love).

So you see, Abba Father's love is different from the worlds love.
Does Yahusha Messiah not tell us to walk as He walks!
1 Peter 2:21, for to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps, & 1 John 2:6, the one who says he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked.
Being of Yahuah and walking in the Belief/Faith of Yahusha is how you show your love for Elohim.
You will have Yah's heart, which is pure love.
You will behave, act and carry yourself by the standards of Yah's Word.

Should we not love our spouse the same way as we love Yahuah or should it be in a different way!

Is it wrong if my wife wants to love me the worldly way by buying me a fancy jacket or giving me perfume?

Yahusha says, “If you stay in Me, and My Words stay in you (love Me), you shall ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you. “In this My Father is esteemed (loved), that you bear much fruit, and you shall be My taught ones. “As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Stay in My love. “If you guard My commands, you shall stay in My love, even as I have guarded My Father’s commands and stay in His love – John 15:7-10.

This means: Love Him first, and then He gives what you need!
What does Yahusha mean when He says - you shall ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you? Does this mean that if I ask for a new sports car when actually I do have a car even though it is old, He will then give me the sports car!
I do not think so!
It means that if my car has broken down and I do not have the money to fix it and because of this problem with my car I must walk 10km a day to my work and 10km back home after work.
He will give me according to my needs.

Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the reign (kingdom) of Elohim, and His righteousness, and all these matters shall be added to you.
If you are seeking His kingdom, it means you want to be part of Him (to love Him). Then once you love Him, He says; then I shall add to you what you need!
Again, first love, and then He gives want you need!

So then, my wife should first love me (do my desires first) after that I should then give her what she needs, like example perfume, clothes, dinner for two or a holiday. And like wise, I should love her first (comply with her desires), then she will give me the fancy jacket or perfume.

So then;

Love is……
Decided before or on the wedding day, when the bride and the bridegroom tell (read to) each other their vows (desires).
The vow (desires) could be something like this;

To my bride (wife);
Do not love any other man
Do not flirt
Do not share our intimacy with other people
Do not lie to me
Do not keep secrets from me
Bring our children up in our Elohim's way
Do not over spend our money on worldly entertainment.
Spend time in Father's word together with me
Let us do things together
Do not let us go to bed angry with each other.
Do not criticize me in front of other people
Do not undress yourself in front of other people except maybe your parents.

This vow to my bride is not romantic but it is love, Abba's way!
This is true love, the biblical way!

Once my bride accepts my vow and I accept her vow, we go and do that vow we promised to each other.
If you, my wife love me, do my vow!
Then I can say the same as what Messiah said; “If you my wife stay in me, and my vow (words) stay in you, you shall ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.

Is this not the true love Elohim speaks about!
Praise Yah.

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