Thursday 25 May 2017

The Warning

“He who overcomes shall be dressed in white robes, and I shall by no means blot out his name from the Book of Life, but I shall confess his name before My Father and before His messengers - Revelation 3:5.
This is a warning to those whose names are in the Book of Life, but who turn away.

One can have their name removed from the Book of Life for disobedience and rebellion that is un-repented of. 

This is a severe warning. 
In a state of rebellion, it is only His mercy that causes a spirit of repentance to come. 
But, if the Spirit of repentance is rejected, then there is no guarantee that He will return…

Only those whom He has drawn to Himself and taught will walk in “newness of life” in the “fruit of the re-born spirit”—in the footsteps of Messiah. 
Galatians 5:22-23, but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no instruction (Torah).

Only the really born again from above will love His Word, obey it, seek to know Him by obedience, and grow up, maturing in His favour. 

Those who take a belief system into their heads to escape hell with no repentance and no turning to His Covenant are not born from above, and their fruit of darkness remains. You need a heart thing! 

Their outward appearance might be nice and friendly, spiritual and lovely, but underneath the front is the dark nature of one who still belongs to satan of the kingdom of darkness. 

The testing to come will reveal all hidden secrets and the masks will be removed!

Proverbs 8:13: “the fear of Yahuah is to hate sin”. 

You can’t hate it and condone it at the same time! 

If you enjoy watching violence and wickedness on T.V. or in movies, for example calling it “entertainment”, then you are condoning evil for the lusts of your flesh. 

Evaluate your thoughts and actions according to the Word, not according to our satan-controlled culture’s standards. 

Go through your house and get rid of anything with luciferic symbols (satan), or that picture pagan gods--on your clothes, in your decorations, on your child’s clothes and on their toys.

These satan symbols, are everywhere, on almost all products somewhere.

Take this warning serious as satan is telling the world that; good is now bad and bad is become good! It is all a lie and many people, even believers are falling for this lie (falling away).

Wake up people and be set-apart to Yahuah

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