Thursday 2 November 2017

Hope or Belief

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart; be acceptable in Your sight, Oh Yahuah (Heavenly Father), my Strength and my Redeemer! - Psalms 19:14.

Words and thoughts need to line up with His Word and His Will! Our thoughts need to align with our spirit (which is aligned to His Spirit) and we don't need to be false by saying one thing but what is in our heart is something totally different.

I know this is easy said than done as sometimes my thoughts also wonder off to the worldly things.

We are to "speak the kind of words that confirm what we believe or think in our hearts about Elohim.

We use 'hope' very casually as a sort of wishful thinking. How many of us have heard or made statements like these: "I hope he gets better." "I hope Father God helps me through this." "My hope is in Father God!" "I hope Yahuah heals me or heals so and so." “I hope you have a good day."

When you said these or heard these statements, did you think hope as in 'wishful thinking' or did you think you were saying "It is going to happen!"? When we say, "My hope is in Messiah Yahusha!” we have to prove we actually believe those words through our actions.

If we have prayed, confessed all sins, repented, and asked for forgiveness of them, we have to walk in what we say we believe.

Fear and worry allows the enemy to consume our thoughts with lies, and more.

When we allow these things to operate in our lives, we are sinning!

Our thoughts, if not brought under submission to His Spirit, can open the door to the enemy. We cannot do it on our own; we can only do this through Yahusha the Messiah (Jesus).

Decide today, are your words and actions going to bring forth His favor, His promises, and His eternal joy into your life or are you going to allow your words and actions to cancel His plans, His healings, His miracles and His favor in your life?

Remember, we have a free choice! Once you have made the choice to follow Him, He then takes your life in His hands.

With Messiah and His Spirit, we can overcome anything, any principality, ANYTHING!!!!

We have the power through His Name and His Spirit in us!

Don’t have hope, hope is a beggar! Believe!

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