Thursday 23 November 2017

Mustard seed Belief

Matthew 17:14-16, a man came to Messiah begging Him to heal his son who suffered as an epileptic. The man says to Messiah that he had brought his son to His disciples but they could not heal the boy.

Matthew 17:17-19, Messiah Yahusha says to the disciples "how long must I be here with you to believe?" Messiah then rebuked the demon and he came out of the child and he was healed.

One of the disciples then asked Messiah why they could not heal the child.

Matthew 17:20, Messiah said to His disciples they could not heal the child because of their unbelief.... "If you have belief like a mustard seed, you shall say to a mountain to move from here to there, and it shall move there and no matter what you say it will happen.

Then Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) gives us a very important message in verse 21, "This kind of action (belief/instruction) can only be done through prayer and fasting."

Read Matthew 17:20-21 again and again so you can hear and see the message. The scripture is full of miracles of healing. The healing happens! Healings could be on the spot or at a much later stage but the message is clear: through prayer and fasting healings can happen.

Question: do you see these same miracles today? I am sure most of our answer would be "NO!"
Why then do these miracles not happen? The answer is in verse 20-21! BELIEF LIKE A MUSTARD SEED!

This belief you do not learn in a church or from a pastor, or even to say "Yes, I believe in the Messiah," it is much more than that!

You need to believe with everything you have, day and night, second after second, non-stop.

To be able to heal like Messiah did to that child, WE HAVE TO PRAY AND FAST! Not just for a minute or five but for days & weeks. It is Not just lip talk, but complete obedience, totally born again from above, living in no sin, you must be Set-Apart, no uncleanness in your life, totally washed with the blood of Messiah Yahusha (Jesus).

People, we can instantly heal someone today by simply believing, praying and fasting.

With believing comes obedience, love, humbleness and meekness.

Do you not want miracles to happen, I do. I want to move mountains like the Messiah said I can.

Are you hearing this, are your ears open.

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