Saturday 11 November 2017

The Stake (Cross as many know it)

The Elohim of our Fathers raised up Yahusha (Jesus) whom you laid hands on, hanging Him on a timber – Acts 5:30. Other Bible translations say; hanging Him on a tree. The word cross is not used in this New Testament verse for the death of Messiah.

When Messiah was brought to Pilate for judgment, he said in Matthew 27:24 that he finds no fault in him and he took water and washed his hands, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this Righteous One. You shall see to it."   Luke 23:4 And Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowd, “I find no guilt in this Man.” & Luke 23:14-15 said to them, “You brought this Man to me, as one who turns away the people. And look, I have examined Him in your presence and have found no guilt in this Man regarding the charges which you make against Him,… Read also John 18:38.

Messiah was found guilty by the law (Torah) of the Jews, Romans did the hanging. Messiah was put on a tree (tree pole/stake) not a cross as many have been taught.

What does the Torah (law) say about what the punishment by death would be for someone that is found guilty? Says in Deuteronomy 21:22-23, "And when a man has committed a sin worthy of death, then he shall be put to death and you shall hang him on a tree.” Let his body not remain overnight on the tree, for you shall certainly bury him the same day..........

Mark 14:55-64, Luke 22:67-71, the chief priests brought false witness against Messiah. Pilate said to the chief priests of the Jews, “You take Him (Messiah) and judge Him according to your law (Torah)." - John 18:31.

The Jews answered him, “We have a law (Torah), according to our law He (Messiah) ought to die, for He has made Himself the Son of Elohim." - John 19:7.

The law states that the guilty one must be hanged from a tree. Many may say that the tree was made in a form of a cross but Deuteronomy 21:22 do not state this.

The mention of a cross came only much later when the Roman Emperor Constantine joined the pagan ways with the way of Messiah, other-words; mixed truth with falsehood. The word "cross" was inherited by our forefathers and this word is not found in the Greek New Testament. The Greek word is "Stauros" and denotes an upright pole or stake.

The origin of the cross is from ancient Chaldea and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz, being in the shape of the mystic Tau, the initial of his name. One of the modern Jewish months is also called Tammuz!

Many may be denying this or be shocked and I know because I myself was shocked when I found this out. We all have been misled and it is not our fault as we all inherited this from our forefathers.

But we have a merciful Creator who loves us so much and releases we have been taught wrong and therefore sent His Son to shed blood for our mistakes. All we now have to do is repent of these traditions we have inherited and follow His ways.

Praise Yah for grace (favour).

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