Friday 27 April 2018

Power in His Name

We read in Scriptures that: "The Name of Yahuah is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe" - Proverbs 18:10.

There is strength and power in the Name of Yahuah and those who belong to Him are protected by that Name.

Moses declared in his song to the children of Israel that: "Yahuah is a man of war; Yahuah is His Name" - Exodus 15:3.

Yahuah actually fights our battles for us and nobody understood that better than David who entered into battle against the Philistine giant Goliath without any armor or conventional weapons. David said the following to the giant; "You come to me with a sword, a spier, and with a shield, but I come to you in the name of Yahuah of hosts, the Elohim of the ranks of Israel, whom you have defied" - 1 Samuel 17:45. David relied on the Name of Yahuah and not weapons.

David wrote the following passage later in his life: "All nations surrounded me, but in the Name of Yahuah I will destroy them. They surrounded me, yes, they surrounded me; but in the Name of Yahuah I will destroy them. They surrounded me like bees; they were quenched like a fire of thorns; for in the Name of Yahuah I will destroy them - Psalms 118:10-12.

David knew that the Name of Yahuah not only has the power to deliver us in our battles - it also has the power to save.

The Scriptures are clear that we must "repent, and be baptized ........ in the Name of Yahusha the Messiah (Jesus) for the forgiveness of our transgressions, and we shall receive the gift of the Set-Apart (Holy) Spirit" - Acts 2:38.

This is very important because forgiveness is in and through the Name of Yahusha! There is power in the Name of Yahusha - which also contains the Name of Yahusha the Fathers name.

Scriptures that revealing the importance of the Name is the following; John 1:12 but as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of Elohim, to those believing in His Name, Matthew 24:9 “Then they shall deliver you up to affliction and kill you, and you shall be hated by all nations for My Name’s sake, Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there I am in their midst,”  John 14:13-14 “And whatever you ask in My Name, that I shall do, in order that the Father might be esteemed in the Son. “If you ask whatever in My Name, I shall do it, John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Set-apart Spirit, whom the Father shall send in My Name, He shall teach you all, and remind you of all that I said to you, John 15:16 “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name He might give you & John 15:20-21 “Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they shall persecute you too. If they have guarded My Word, they would guard yours too. “But all this they shall do to you because of My Name, because they do not know Him who sent Me.

Messiah performed miracles in the Name of Yahuah as He stated: "The miracles I do in my Father's Name speak for me" - John 10:25.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Yahuah forbids premarital sex

Heavenly Father only permits sex inside marriage.


Western culture largely doesn’t see a problem with premarital sex anymore. And if the couple consents, what’s the problem? Yahuah (Heavenly Father) forbids sex outside of marriage because outside of marriage there’s no public agreement or commitment to each other and any children that might come from the sexual union.

Sex joins a husband to his wife with incredibly potent force (love) and from this a family grows—procreation (making babies) being the most obvious (Genesis 1:28), but it also binds a man and woman together in a way that nothing else can (Genesis 2:24–25)—the two texts Yahusha (Jesus) himself explained marriage.

This is a command - Genesis 1:28 and Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said to them, “Bear fruit and increase, and fill the earth and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over all creatures moving on the earth.”

Genesis 2:24 for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

By forbidding sex outside of marriage (1 Corinthians 7:2) Yahuah is saying that we must publically acknowledge that we have a duty of care to our sexual partner before we get to have sex.

1 Corinthians 7:2 but because of whoring (immorality), let each one have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.

Think about it; marriage establishes a public agreement to care for any potential children from a sexual union, so it provides a level of accountability to parents for looking after their own children.

Is sex outside of marriage not called fornication according to the Bible! This is hard words and I am just as guilty of this deed. But now that I know Yahuah’s truth, I have repented. I am now sharing the truth that I have received with people especially the young ones so they do not make the same mistakes.

If sex is okay outside of marriage, then sex and children happen outside of contexts where people have voluntarily acknowledged their duty of care to their sexual partner and their children. But, people in our society today think sex outside of marriage is okay because we have separated sex from a duty of care for our sexual partner. Sex is now a game people play, not an expression of love people share. But if sex is a game people play, then why shouldn’t they be able to make money from playing it? After all, rugby and football players make obscene amounts of money just for playing a game, and sex is in many ways more entertaining than any of those, so why can’t people make money from ‘playing’ sex? And if sex is a game, why can’t we change the rules as we feel like, and legitimize all sorts of sexual expressions? And if sex is a game, what’s the point of marriage? Why not redefine marriage to reflect socially acceptable sexual proclivities?

And what do we see in the world? Homosexuality is now just a ‘sexual preference’, prostitution is legal in many places, and same-sex marriage is sweeping the Western world. We cannot even call this sex but rather lust because procreation can never come from man with man or woman with woman. That is Yahuah’s purpose of sex for a married husband and wife – procreation (production of offspring)!

Notice in all this how children, as products of sexual unions, have been forgotten.


Western culture has (largely) managed to separate sex from procreation (making offspring). The original design of sex was cleverly inventive—Father Yahuah (Heavenly Father) made the most pleasurable human experience the means by which new life is generated; it puts an enormous responsibility on those couples engaging in sexual activity.

But of course, the general availability of birth control has largely taken the fear of pregnancy away, so it makes it easy to treat sex like a game.

“But sex can still be an expression of love outside of marriage, right?” No. It can be an expression of short-lived passion, or romance, or lust but not love in the biblical sense of actively putting another’s needs above oneself.

“Oh, but I’m a generous lover!” In bed, maybe, but what about the rest of the day?

The duty of care Heavenly Father says sex binds us to, is not simply our partner’s sexual needs, but all their needs. Food, clothing, shelter, emotional well-being, spiritual well-being—all of it. When we view sex as an expression of that sort of love, then it’s plain that anything less than sex inside marriage cheapens the value of sex.

If we are not willing to be so bound to someone that all their needs are largely dependent on us, then we shouldn’t be having sex. And if we are so willing, then we should make the public profession to such willingness (with our partner, of course; it takes two to marry!) before having sex so that everyone else can hold us accountable.

 “Birth control” means the opposite of what it says! It means no birth and no control. Anything that attacks the family is bad for society.

Government tries to replace the family’s rights, and business tries to replace the family’s rights. There is a constant commercial and cultural pressure on father, mother, and child.

They are minimized and made unimportant and, yes, mocked. Sexual morality has decayed progressively.

But let us remember that it began with birth control, which is an attempt to create sex for sex’s sake, changing the act of love into an act of selfishness. The promotion and acceptance of lifeless, barren, selfish sex has logically progressed to homosexuality. Sin has consequences. Homosexuality is a disorder. It is contrary to order. Homosexual acts are sinful, that is, they are contrary to Yahuah’s order. They can never be normal.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. That is the order. It is a sacramental order, with divine implications.

The world has made a mockery of marriage that has now culminated with homosexual unions. Divorce, which is an abnormal thing, is now treated as normal. Contraception, another abnormal thing, is now treated as normal. Abortion is still not normal, but it is legal. Making homosexual “marriage” legal will not make it normal, but it will add to the confusion of the times. And it will add to the downward spiral of our civilization.

We need to turn back to Heavenly Fathers ways (order) because Yahuah will not be mocked forever. His patience will soon run out! This is truth and I can only speak the truth! All I can do is tell others the truth and only pray they change their life and follow the Creator’s ways.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Together as one

And the man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one is called 'woman' because she was taken out of man." For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh - Genesis 2:23-24.

Eve (Hawah in Hebrew, which means "giver of life") was not created from the ground, nor was the breath of life breathed directly into her, as was the case with Adam. She was taken from Adam.

This first woman was literally birthed from the man. The woman was taken from Adam while he was placed in a "deep sleep."

When Elohim (God) took Hawah (Eve) from him, Adam was thereafter divided. This means his flesh had to be opened up to take the part of him that became Eve.

This is a very important covenant - the union of a man and a woman. Most governments treat this union as a contract. Marriage is much more than a mere contract. In a Scriptural sense, marriage is a covenant. It is a special relationship, which involves more than ink on paper.

It is when 2 lives are spiritually and physically joined together as one (echad). The Hebrew word that epitomizes this concept, echad, which means, "unity."

When this Covenant is broken, the 2 lives that have been bonded together and were unified are ripped apart. That is the reason why people that go through a divorce have so much pain; it is because 2 lives are literally torn apart. Divorce is messy and destructive.

This is the difference between a contract and a covenant. The new relationship created between the man and the woman is an important pattern established by the Creator. It essentially would teach mankind the type of intimate relationship that He would seek to have with them and us today.

Messiah seeks to be "echad" with us - the marriage covenant.

Thursday 12 April 2018

10 Maidens

The Messiah told a parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25, who were getting themselves ready for the coming of the bridegroom. Of the 10, 5 maidens (virgins) where wise as they took extra oil for their lamps and 5 maidens where foolish as they did not take extra oil for their lamps.

This parable is about the end time when Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) comes for His bride. Messiah explained in this parable what will occur in the end time - Matthew 24. In this parable we know that the Bridegroom is Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) and the 10 maidens are Believers in Messiah and the Bridegroom is on His way to fetch His Bride who is ready for the wedding feast/ceremony (His Kingdom).

These 10 maidens represent Believers which have given their lives to the Messiah, but why do 5 maidens have oil and the other 5 have no oil?

Firstly we need to know what the lamp and oil represent in this parable; the lamp represents the Word (scripture) of Yahuah (Heavenly Father) - "a lamp unto our feet and a light onto our path." Oil is used to anoint a believer, therefore is often associated with the "anointing" or the Set Apart Spirit (Holy Spirit). Believers are the temple-church as many may know it; The Spirit of Yahuah is within our bodies/temples.

Each Believer should read the Scriptures (Lamp) and have the Spirit (oil) to be able to know the truth and have a relationship with Yahuah/Yahusha. Can one be a Believer without the Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit)? I think not!

Notice in this parable Messiah said the foolish maidens took their lamps (Word), but no extra oil with them. What if the parable is talking about oil in terms of an "anointing" - or in this case, a lack thereof?  Meaning, they are carrying lamps without an anointing or the fuel necessary to light (wise or understand) the lamp. Please read Matthew 25:1-12 (about the 10 maidens) before reading on....

According to the parable, not everyone will be "ready" for the Bridegroom. Only 5 of the 10 maidens (virgins) were ready to go in and 5 remained outside - Matthew 25:10-12.

The Hebrew wedding will give you a better understanding of how Messiah's wedding will be when He comes for His Bride (read my previous message - The Hebrew wedding). The 5 wise maidens that entered the wedding feast are true Believers having their full lamps that have shown them the way (light). They had extra oil to sustain them through the journey (walk of life). They represent those who worship Yahuah in "Spirit and in Truth," the ones who built their house on the rock (solid faith).

The 5 foolish maidens where not allowed into the wedding feast although they had their lamps but did not have enough oil.  Their oil ran out during their life walk meaning they became lukewarm later in life and just idled further on till He came. They believed in the Messiah but did not listen to the Spirit or they listened to the Spirit when they accepted the Messiah at the beginning but then became lukewarm believers who still were part of the world.

Remember in Matthew 7:21, Messiah says that not everyone calling Him "Master, Master," shall enter into the Kingdom of Yahuah. They are the believers that are lukewarm or worship Father and hold hands with the wicked/world.

Matthew 25:12, Messiah says to the 5 foolish maidens "Truly, I say to you, I do not know you." Many Believers (Christians) are taught that once saved always saved but this parable says otherwise. All Believers are given the Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) once you have accepted and believe in the Messiah. The Spirit of Yahuah lives in our temple (our body) to teach us His will and show us our sin (what is right and what is wrong). Father Yahuah may remove His Spirit (Holy Spirit) from anyone that turns back to their old sinful ways and even from those who only worship Him with their lips, but their action (works of faith) is little or none. 

We know that Father and His Son Messiah do not change as They are the same yesterday, today and They will be the same tomorrow - Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 12:32, Hebrews 13:8 & Revelation 22:18.

King Saul the 1st King of Israel was chosen by Heavenly Father to be King. Yahuah gave His Spirit to Saul and gave him a new heart (1 Samuel 10:6 & 9 + 1 Samuel 11:6). But if you read further on from 1 Samuel 13 onwards you find that King Saul starts to sin against the Almighty Father. Yahuah gets to a point that He no longer accepts Saul as King due to his continued disobedience to Yahuah’s will. David is anointed by Samuel and the Spirit of Yahuah (Holy Spirit) came upon David from that day onwards - 1 Samuel 16:13. And the Spirit of Yahuah was taken from Saul, and an evil spirit was given from Yahuah to trouble Saul - 1 Samuel 16:14.

We know that Yahuah does not change therefore today Father would still take His Spirit away from anyone who becomes like King Saul. When David sinned (2 Samuel 11 & 12), he wrote Psalm 51 and begged Father not to take His Spirit away from him - Psalm 51:11. David feared Yahuah and Yahuah knew David’s heart was true when he asked forgiveness.

I believe Father gave His Spirit only to certain people He choose, for example Kings, Prophets and Priests but after Messiah redeemed us, Father Yahuah gave/gives His Spirit to all those who accept the Messiah through baptism and turning away from sin – repentance (New life, born from above).

The parable of the 10 maidens, are all Believers that have accepted the Messiah and therefore have received the Spirit of Yahuah but the 5 foolish maidens were not prepared and ready for the Bridegroom (Messiah) and therefore not allowed to enter the wedding feast. Here, it was to the foolish maidens that the Master made the statement to watch because you (who? the foolish) know neither the day nor the hour of His return!

The other 5 maidens were ready!

Messiah said that before He comes it will be the same as in the days of Noah ...everyone will be living "the good life "no one will be ready for the Big day of Yahuah - Matthew 24:37-38.

If you want to be ready and prepared for Messiah's coming, then you need to know what happened in the days of Noah people are going on without being ready....."See I am coming as a thief.... (5 foolish maidens).

Blessed is he who stays awake and reads and hears the signs and signals... (5 wise maidens)........ Revelation 16:15.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Hebrew Wedding

1. It starts with the betrothal. This involved the prospective groom leaving his father's house and going to his prospective bride's house. There he would pay the price for his bride-to-be and establish the marriage covenant. Yahusha (Jesus) Messiah came down from Heaven and "paid the price" for His Bride, establishing the covenant with His own shed blood.

2. The bridegroom returns to his father's house to prepare a place for them. Meanwhile the bride prepares herself for married life. Messiah said that He was going to prepare a place for us. We are to be preparing ourselves for His return.

3. The bridegroom usually returned at night (unexpectedly) after an extended period of being away. His return was preceded by a shout so that the bride had time to quickly prepare herself for his coming. The groom would then receive the entire wedding party and return with them to his father's house for the celebration.

4. Once there, the wedding party would find the guests already assembled.

5. The bride and groom would then be escorted into the bridal chamber (called the huppah) to consummate the marriage. The bride would be veiled at that time.

6. Once the marriage had been consummated, the groom would then exit the huppah and announce it to the wedding party who has been waiting outside. The guests would then feast and make merry for seven days.

7. During those seven days, the bride remained hidden in the bridal chamber.

8. At the conclusion of the seven days, the groom went back into the huppah to fetch his bride and bring her out with her veil removed so that now all could see her.

It is easy to see how Messiah has already done the first two in this list. We are waiting for number three. Are you ready like the 5 wise maidens were or are you the 5 foolish maidens that do not know the day nor the hour in which Messiah is coming - Matthew 25:13.