Wednesday 18 April 2018

Together as one

And the man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one is called 'woman' because she was taken out of man." For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh - Genesis 2:23-24.

Eve (Hawah in Hebrew, which means "giver of life") was not created from the ground, nor was the breath of life breathed directly into her, as was the case with Adam. She was taken from Adam.

This first woman was literally birthed from the man. The woman was taken from Adam while he was placed in a "deep sleep."

When Elohim (God) took Hawah (Eve) from him, Adam was thereafter divided. This means his flesh had to be opened up to take the part of him that became Eve.

This is a very important covenant - the union of a man and a woman. Most governments treat this union as a contract. Marriage is much more than a mere contract. In a Scriptural sense, marriage is a covenant. It is a special relationship, which involves more than ink on paper.

It is when 2 lives are spiritually and physically joined together as one (echad). The Hebrew word that epitomizes this concept, echad, which means, "unity."

When this Covenant is broken, the 2 lives that have been bonded together and were unified are ripped apart. That is the reason why people that go through a divorce have so much pain; it is because 2 lives are literally torn apart. Divorce is messy and destructive.

This is the difference between a contract and a covenant. The new relationship created between the man and the woman is an important pattern established by the Creator. It essentially would teach mankind the type of intimate relationship that He would seek to have with them and us today.

Messiah seeks to be "echad" with us - the marriage covenant.

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