Wednesday 4 April 2018

Hebrew Wedding

1. It starts with the betrothal. This involved the prospective groom leaving his father's house and going to his prospective bride's house. There he would pay the price for his bride-to-be and establish the marriage covenant. Yahusha (Jesus) Messiah came down from Heaven and "paid the price" for His Bride, establishing the covenant with His own shed blood.

2. The bridegroom returns to his father's house to prepare a place for them. Meanwhile the bride prepares herself for married life. Messiah said that He was going to prepare a place for us. We are to be preparing ourselves for His return.

3. The bridegroom usually returned at night (unexpectedly) after an extended period of being away. His return was preceded by a shout so that the bride had time to quickly prepare herself for his coming. The groom would then receive the entire wedding party and return with them to his father's house for the celebration.

4. Once there, the wedding party would find the guests already assembled.

5. The bride and groom would then be escorted into the bridal chamber (called the huppah) to consummate the marriage. The bride would be veiled at that time.

6. Once the marriage had been consummated, the groom would then exit the huppah and announce it to the wedding party who has been waiting outside. The guests would then feast and make merry for seven days.

7. During those seven days, the bride remained hidden in the bridal chamber.

8. At the conclusion of the seven days, the groom went back into the huppah to fetch his bride and bring her out with her veil removed so that now all could see her.

It is easy to see how Messiah has already done the first two in this list. We are waiting for number three. Are you ready like the 5 wise maidens were or are you the 5 foolish maidens that do not know the day nor the hour in which Messiah is coming - Matthew 25:13.

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