Sunday 22 April 2018

Yahuah forbids premarital sex

Heavenly Father only permits sex inside marriage.


Western culture largely doesn’t see a problem with premarital sex anymore. And if the couple consents, what’s the problem? Yahuah (Heavenly Father) forbids sex outside of marriage because outside of marriage there’s no public agreement or commitment to each other and any children that might come from the sexual union.

Sex joins a husband to his wife with incredibly potent force (love) and from this a family grows—procreation (making babies) being the most obvious (Genesis 1:28), but it also binds a man and woman together in a way that nothing else can (Genesis 2:24–25)—the two texts Yahusha (Jesus) himself explained marriage.

This is a command - Genesis 1:28 and Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said to them, “Bear fruit and increase, and fill the earth and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over all creatures moving on the earth.”

Genesis 2:24 for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

By forbidding sex outside of marriage (1 Corinthians 7:2) Yahuah is saying that we must publically acknowledge that we have a duty of care to our sexual partner before we get to have sex.

1 Corinthians 7:2 but because of whoring (immorality), let each one have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.

Think about it; marriage establishes a public agreement to care for any potential children from a sexual union, so it provides a level of accountability to parents for looking after their own children.

Is sex outside of marriage not called fornication according to the Bible! This is hard words and I am just as guilty of this deed. But now that I know Yahuah’s truth, I have repented. I am now sharing the truth that I have received with people especially the young ones so they do not make the same mistakes.

If sex is okay outside of marriage, then sex and children happen outside of contexts where people have voluntarily acknowledged their duty of care to their sexual partner and their children. But, people in our society today think sex outside of marriage is okay because we have separated sex from a duty of care for our sexual partner. Sex is now a game people play, not an expression of love people share. But if sex is a game people play, then why shouldn’t they be able to make money from playing it? After all, rugby and football players make obscene amounts of money just for playing a game, and sex is in many ways more entertaining than any of those, so why can’t people make money from ‘playing’ sex? And if sex is a game, why can’t we change the rules as we feel like, and legitimize all sorts of sexual expressions? And if sex is a game, what’s the point of marriage? Why not redefine marriage to reflect socially acceptable sexual proclivities?

And what do we see in the world? Homosexuality is now just a ‘sexual preference’, prostitution is legal in many places, and same-sex marriage is sweeping the Western world. We cannot even call this sex but rather lust because procreation can never come from man with man or woman with woman. That is Yahuah’s purpose of sex for a married husband and wife – procreation (production of offspring)!

Notice in all this how children, as products of sexual unions, have been forgotten.


Western culture has (largely) managed to separate sex from procreation (making offspring). The original design of sex was cleverly inventive—Father Yahuah (Heavenly Father) made the most pleasurable human experience the means by which new life is generated; it puts an enormous responsibility on those couples engaging in sexual activity.

But of course, the general availability of birth control has largely taken the fear of pregnancy away, so it makes it easy to treat sex like a game.

“But sex can still be an expression of love outside of marriage, right?” No. It can be an expression of short-lived passion, or romance, or lust but not love in the biblical sense of actively putting another’s needs above oneself.

“Oh, but I’m a generous lover!” In bed, maybe, but what about the rest of the day?

The duty of care Heavenly Father says sex binds us to, is not simply our partner’s sexual needs, but all their needs. Food, clothing, shelter, emotional well-being, spiritual well-being—all of it. When we view sex as an expression of that sort of love, then it’s plain that anything less than sex inside marriage cheapens the value of sex.

If we are not willing to be so bound to someone that all their needs are largely dependent on us, then we shouldn’t be having sex. And if we are so willing, then we should make the public profession to such willingness (with our partner, of course; it takes two to marry!) before having sex so that everyone else can hold us accountable.

 “Birth control” means the opposite of what it says! It means no birth and no control. Anything that attacks the family is bad for society.

Government tries to replace the family’s rights, and business tries to replace the family’s rights. There is a constant commercial and cultural pressure on father, mother, and child.

They are minimized and made unimportant and, yes, mocked. Sexual morality has decayed progressively.

But let us remember that it began with birth control, which is an attempt to create sex for sex’s sake, changing the act of love into an act of selfishness. The promotion and acceptance of lifeless, barren, selfish sex has logically progressed to homosexuality. Sin has consequences. Homosexuality is a disorder. It is contrary to order. Homosexual acts are sinful, that is, they are contrary to Yahuah’s order. They can never be normal.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. That is the order. It is a sacramental order, with divine implications.

The world has made a mockery of marriage that has now culminated with homosexual unions. Divorce, which is an abnormal thing, is now treated as normal. Contraception, another abnormal thing, is now treated as normal. Abortion is still not normal, but it is legal. Making homosexual “marriage” legal will not make it normal, but it will add to the confusion of the times. And it will add to the downward spiral of our civilization.

We need to turn back to Heavenly Fathers ways (order) because Yahuah will not be mocked forever. His patience will soon run out! This is truth and I can only speak the truth! All I can do is tell others the truth and only pray they change their life and follow the Creator’s ways.

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