Wednesday 11 July 2018

Decay through sin

Incomplete removal of evil/sin often means disaster in the end. We must beware of compromising with wickedness. Repeatedly sinning against Father Yahuah will allow suffering to come upon those who sin.

Sin always has its consequences.

Where there is sin we can expect suffering to follow. Rather than living in an endless cycle of sinning and then crying out to Yahuah for rescue, we should seek to live a consistent life of faithfulness.

Our lives will also fall into decline and decay unless we follow and live by the instructions (Torah) Heavenly Father Yahuah has given us. They are guidance for us!

The world has many rewards to offer those who compromise their faith even by mixing a little world with a little faith: wealth, recognition, power, and influence.

When we give our life to Messiah, we must not pollute it by desire of the worldly things. We can expect decay when we value anything more highly than Yahuah.

If our independence is more valuable than Yahuah, we have then placed an idol above Him. Soon our lives become temples to that god/idol. Idolatry gains a foothold in our hearts when we make anything more important than Yahuah.

We must constantly regard Yahuah first in our life and all our desires.

Rebellion against Yahuah leads to disaster.

John 9:31, "And we know that Elohim does not hear sinners. But if anyone fears Elohim and does His desires, He hears him.

What is His desire? Is it not obedience! This is what the above verse means; Fear and obey Him.

Messiah says in John 17:14, "I have given them Your Word, and the world hated them because they are not of the world, as I (Messiah) am not of the world.

Where are we, in the world or in His Word?

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