Thursday 6 February 2020

Why do the wicked prosper?

Psalms 73:3 For I was envious of the boasters, when I saw the peace of the wrongdoers.

Why do people that do not believe or follow Yahuah (Heavenly Father) or His son Yahusha (Jesus) the Messiah get away with almost everything, have big houses, go on expensive holidays, children get everything they ask for, new cars and prosper.

Have you ever asked that question, I have many times?

Even the people within scripture asked that same question we asking. Jeremiah asked; Why has the way of the wrong prospered?

All the workers of treachery are at ease (happy)? - Jeremiah 12:1.

How long are the wrong going to exult? They pour forth out words, they speak arrogantly....... Psalms 94:3-4.

A senseless man does not know, and a fool does not understand this. When the wrong spring up like grass, and all the workers of wickedness blossom...... Psalms 92:6-7.

Job also asks; Why do the wrong live, become old, and become mighty in power? - Job 21:7. Job says further in verse 8-16, they have children, they have houses with peace (Father's wrath not upon them), they are success in farming/business, there children are success, their days are full of goodness, they say they do not need Yahuah or His ways and they do not profit from serving Yahuah.

We must remember Father is very patient and He wants everyone saved and to be with Him in His kingdom.

Also remember that not all people will be saved and many of these people know Yahuah but made a decision not to serve Him and Father has given them their heart’s desire.

They receive their treasure now while they are here on earth but one day that will come to an end. 

That is their choice, Yahuah does not force anyone to follow Him.

The ones that follow Him truly, there treasure is stored in heaven and one day they will receive it when they are in His kingdom.

Those that do not want to be there; It is for them to be destroyed forever.

For look, Your enemies, O Yahuah, for look, Your enemies do perish...... - Psalms 92:7 & 9.

Yahuah says in Psalms 73:17-19, Until I went into the set-apart place of El (Almighty); Then I perceived their end. Indeed, You set them in slippery places; You make them fall to ruins. How suddenly they are ruined! Completely swept away through destructions.

For those who walk the straight path with Yahuah, be patient, be strong, have courage and endure till the end.

Walk in His path till the end.

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