Thursday 18 March 2021



Paul or Shaul (Hebrew) was born outside the land of Israel in a city in Cilicia called Tarsus (Turkey area). He was born to parents who were of the tribe of Judah, therefore Paul was a Judean (Jew) who spoke the Hebrew language - Acts 21:40 and Acts 22:1-3.

When Yahusha (Jesus) confronted Paul on his way to Damascus, Messiah spoke to Paul in the Hebrew language - Acts 26:14.

The city Cilicia was part of the Roman territory therefore Paul was also a Roman citizen - Acts 22:25-28. Similar to a South African couple living in Australia with a child born there, the child is an Australian citizen but still a South African.

Paul was taught the Old Testament (Torah) by a Torah teacher called Gamaliel (Gamliel) - Acts 22:3. Paul was a Pharisee, which means Paul was also taught the extra commands the Pharisees added to the law (Torah) of Yahuah.


But Paul knew these added laws by the Pharisees where wrong once he turned to Yahusha. Paul was part of the group of Pharisees that was responsible for Stephens death but Paul repented of this deed and was baptized in the Name of Yahusha. His sins were forgiven and Yahusha used him to take the gospel to the Israelites as well as to the other nations - Acts 22:6-20.

When Paul was a Pharisee, he was taught their ways which Paul believed he was doing for Elohim (Almighty) and had only good conscience of what he was doing until Yahusha spoke to him - Acts 23:1 and Acts 24:16. Once Paul knew the Messiah, he was committed to Yahusha and was prepared to die for the Name of Yahusha - Acts 21:13.

It says in Acts 28:23 that Paul was explaining, earnestly witnessing about the kingdom of the Almighty, and convincing them concerning Yahusha from both the Torah (Law) of Moses and the prophets. Paul was preaching from the Old Testament about the Messiah.


In Acts 24:5 Paul was accused of been “a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.” To this, Paul replies: (1) He was engaged in a more important business than to contend about the name which they chose to give to the believers in Yahusha. (2) He admits that he belonged to that sect of Nazarenes. (3) He maintains that in this way he was still worshipping Yahuah of his forefathers. Of this, the fact that he was engaged in worship in the temple was sufficient proof. (4) He shows them that he believed only what was written in the Law and the prophets (Old Testament); that it was his constant and earnest desire to keep a pure conscience in all things. Paul said, Yahuah; the Elohim (Almighty) whom my Israelite ancestors adored is the one I am worshipping. He had introduced no new object of worship; he had not become a follower of a false or foreign god; and this fact was really a reply to their charge that he was setting up a new sect in religion.

The same thing Paul affirms of himself in 2 Timothy 1:3; I thank Elohim, whom I serve with a clear conscience, as my forefathers did, as I unceasingly remember you in my prayer’s night and day, longing to see you, as I remember your tears, so that I might be filled with joy.


I hear many people today say Paul was a false apostle but those same people forget Peter said that if you do not understand Paul's letters, you would misunderstand him. I believe, Paul's letters have been mistranslated and also believe there were a certain group of people who added to his letters making it more misleading to understand him.

In many later letters Paul seems to suggest the law of Yahuah is no longer applicable to us today but when you read the verses I mentioned above, mostly written by Luke, it is clear Paul followed and believed in the law, prophets (as his Israelite forefathers did) and in the Messiah Yahusha which was foretold in the Old Testament.

Messiah Yahusha gave Paul a command when He spoke to him on the Damascus road: go to Israel and the other nations and tell them they should repent of their sins and turn back to the Almighty Creator Yahuah - Acts 26:20.

That was Paul's mission.

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