Thursday 11 March 2021

The faith of Paul

In Acts chapter 27 we read of Paul's ordeal as a prisoner been shipped with other prisoners to the Roman Emperor and how they went through terrible storms during this trip.

We read of the true faith Paul had during this tribulation of storms and on top of this he was shackled with chains. Even in this situation Paul did not give up on believing and trusting Yahuah.

He was a faithful servant to Yahusha (Jesus) and chapter 27 should be a witness for us.

When they were in the middle of the storm and it seemed that they would sink and die, Paul told the Captain, the soldiers and the other prisoners that Yahuah had promised him they would be saved from the storm - Acts 27:22-26.

Yahuah sent a messenger (Angel) to inform Paul, that he and the crew on the ship would be saved.


In Acts 27:29, the crew were praying, showing that they also believed.

In Acts 27:44 Paul and all the crew made it safely to the land, as Yahuah promised He would do.

Paul's faith in Yahuah saved them all.

And then once on land, Paul was bitten by a snake in Acts 28:3-6 on his hand but it did not swell up or was harmed by the snake’s venom.


In Mark 16:18 Yahusha said, no harm will come to those who truly believe in Him - “And these signs shall accompany the ones who believe: In My Name they shall cast out demons, they shall speak with renewed tongues, they shall take up snakes, and if they drink any deadly drink it shall by no means hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall get well.”

Paul is an example to us of truly believing and trusting the Creator of the universe.

We should take note of Paul's faith!


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