Thursday 25 March 2021

The prophet speaks of today

When I read Isaiah chapter 1, it is as if I’m reading one of the 4 gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. It is about been a sinner, doing evil, then the hearing of the Word, followed by repentance, punishment, turning back to the Almighty and then finally forgiveness.

It is the gospel of the new testament!

Let me take you through Isaiah chapter 1 and tell me if you also see what I see - it is all about us today, been a believer, mixing the truth with falsehood, doing our own thing, not obeying the Word until we realize we cannot be without our Creator and then we turn back and repent.

Verse 2, Yahuah says "Hear and listen people, I have made the universe and all people but they have turned away from Me." Is Father not saying “I have made everything but still you do not believe!”

Verse 3-8, it is about all the sins, wickedness, evils and crimes of the people in the land.

In verse 9, only a handful of people are true believers doing what is right. Why is it always just a remnant that are true?

Verse 10 - Hear the word of Yahuah, you rulers of Sodom; give ear to the Torah (Laws) of our Elohim, you people of Gomorrah! Here we are today, and this question Father is asking again.

Verse 11-15 is all about false worship. It is about people that say they are believers by going to church, reading their Bibles but on the other side they still whore, steal, commit adultery, watch pornography stuff, dress up like whores and so and so on. Father says in these verses that He ignores their worship, do not bless their singing and does not hear their prayers. He is saying that they are all doing it in vain because it is all for self, being proud.

Hear what Father says in verse 16-17, “Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Stop doing evil!

What does John the Baptist and the disciples teach; repent, Baptist (clean by water), turn back and follow Him truly with all your heart. Messiah Yahusha has opened up the path to the Father.

No difference in what the people need to do in verse 16-17.

Verse 18: Your sins will be forgiven and not be remembered. No difference today: Messiah tells us the same thing.

Verse 19, If you are willing and hear, you shall eat the good of the land. Other words for us today; if you have faith and obey (do) then you will be blessed and have ever lasting life.


Verse 20, But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of Yahuah has spoken. For us today: if you keep on wilfully sinning then judgment will come upon you.

What the prophet said then, is for us today as well.

"Hear and listen people.” 

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