Thursday 4 November 2021

Messiah and the little children.

1.Reading Matthew 18 verses 1 to 7, Messiah is speaking a parable of a new believer coming to the faith and what will happen to those who misled them into the wrong way. The stumbling-blocks that is placed in the new believer’s path cause them to fall.

2.Messiah physically took a little child that was in the crowd to demonstrate to the people how little children represents a new believer in Yahuah. I think this child with Messiah was not older than 6 or 7 years old or maybe even younger. A little child is humble, beliefs what the parents tell them, willing to listen, accepts discipline, willing to forgive, willing to share, learn and to follow.

Throughout scripture Elohim (the Almighty) speaks of His people as children.


Matthew 18:6-7 “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble (entice to sin/offend), it is better for him that a millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea. “Woe to the world because of stumbling-blocks!

3.When I read verse 6 and 7, I ask myself what does this mean for us today in real life situations, for those who place stumbling-blocks before children? The first thing that comes to mind is those who carry-out abortions, involved with child trafficking, use child slaves, or child soldiers, selling children for entertainment and child porn. This is at the very extreme but it is also closer to home and affects the children as well. Dads/moms molesting their kids, drug abuse, poor upbringing, neglecting, alcohol misuse, wrong teachings and so on.

Is there any difference in the past and the present?

Who do you blame, the children or their parents?


4.These two verses from Matthew speak to me about children today growing up in a world that is doing all it can to prevent these little ones to become adults with the knowledge of the Almighty Creator. Stumbling-blocks are placed knowing or unknowingly by parents, family members, teachers, friends and leaders who have themselves become dumb or numb. All in the name of money and fame.

5.Many children get drawn into this world and its mind-controlled entertainment/technology through music, movies, sport, art, TV, computer games, medicine and false teaching; making people more and more tolerate to wickedness. Many of these mis-used children become adults without knowing the true Creator and don’t cope with life then turn to drugs, prostitution with many committing suicides.

6.Messiah says woe to those who places stumbling-blocks before these little children. But take note those who are involved in these stumbling-blocks; it is better for you that a millstone be hung around your neck, and that you be drowned in the depth of the sea.

7.Take careful note; you who are part-taking in abortions, trafficking, slavery, raping and child abuse, preventing these little children to come to know Elohim (the Almighty) because of their broken bodies, soul, mind and spirit. Judgement will come upon you.

We need to stand fast against this evil. 

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