Thursday 11 November 2021

Coming in the Name of Yahuah


Psalm 118:14 Yah is my strength and song, and He has become my deliverance.

Psalm 119, for unless we are first declared righteous through belief in Him, we would have difficulty in saying, “Oh how I love Your teaching!”


1)      I pray, O Yahuah, please save me!

2)      Punish me for the sins I have committed but please forgive me, do not give me over to death.

3)      I want to live so I can declare Your works Father.

4)      I believe You exist, so please take me through Your gate of righteousness.

5)      Your right hand does mightily, Your right hand is exalted and Your right hand acts mightily.

6)      David sang with joy for victory in the tabernacle of the righteous. I want to sing with joy for this victory You give me.

7)      Yah, You are my strength and my song and You have become my deliverance (salvation).

8)      The revelation about the Anointed One (Psalm 118) prepares the way for the great Laws (Psalm 119).

9)      Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of Yahuah! Who is the One that came in Your Name Father?

10)   Father, You told Moses there will be someone sent that will speak Your Words in Your Name (Deuteronomy18:18).

11)   Paul confirmed Father that Your prophets, Samuel and many other have also foretold of these days (Act 3:22-24)

12)   He came riding on a donkey and everyone cried out “Hoshia-na! Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of Yahuah, the King of Israel” (John 12:13)

13)   As You said, He came in Your Name Father – John 5:43.

14)   This was the promised One. The true Messiah, the true Prophet according to Your promise and Your proof Father.

15)   I know He is the Deliverer (yasha = Saviour) as He said His teachings (words, commands) are identical to those of His Father (John 3:34, 7:16, 8:28, 8:40, 10:25, 12:49, 14:24, and 17:8).

16)   Messiah said Moses wrote about Him – John 5:46

17)   Father You said His Name will be Yahusha for He shall be Your Son who will save (Matthew 1:21/Luke 1:31-32)

18)   Yahusha(Yah-Saves) Messiah Himself being the chief corner-stone, in whom all being joined together, grows into a set-apart Dwelling Place in Father Yahuah(Ephesians 2:20).

19)   This was from Yahuah, it is marvelous in our eyes.

20)   This is the day Yahuahas promised, let us rejoice and be glad in it

21)   You are my Father, and I praise You; You are my Elohim, I exalt You.

22)   I give thanks to Yahuah, for He is good! He has given me His Saviour! Your kindness is everlasting.


Let us call on His Name!

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