Thursday 25 November 2021

Wrath upon His people


Reading chapters 5 through 8 from Jeremiah the prophet, we notice Yahuah’s wrath on the people of Jerusalem due to their sins, but through His wrath we see the compassion He has on a remnant of the people. His wrath was not against the pagan nations but on Israel, the nation He choose to be His people.

We know the Almighty does not change as He is the same today, tomorrow and yesterday, which means in our time He is still the same Almighty Elohim as in Jeremiah’s time.

Looking at the present times we are living in and how wickedness (darkness) is busy over taking all parts of our life and surroundings, the question to ask is Yahuah’s patience run up due to our sins just like in Jeremiah’s time.

When I read these chapters of Jeremiah, I do wonder about the present times we are now in and if it’s not similar to what was happening in Jeremiah’s time. Is the wrath of Yahuah presently been played out today on His people because of their sins? Is this just another warning to His people to repent, turn back to Him in truth before the real end of time judgment comes to pass? Is this a last warning of His wrath coming upon His people where He destroys the wicked within His people but saves a remnant by His mercy. Is this the last warning before the Messiah returns whereby no mercy will be shown again on those who are outside the courtyard/His covering?


We have witnessed and still witnessing the pouring out of the truth on many people in these last few years but like of old, people follow the truth for a while and then they turn back to their previous ways. History has shown this to be true as we read all through the Tanak (Old Testament) of how Israel sinned, repented and turned back to Him and later returned back to sinning, the cycle seems to repeat itself. This is no different to our generation; how many people today have received the truth for example keeping the 7th day Sabbath. How many of these same people are still keeping the Sabbath, as they kept it as to when they came to hear the truth for the first time. In Nehemiah’s time we have a good example of how the people heard the truth after many years without and how they followed the truth with great excitement, but after a while later rejected the truth and went back to profaning the Sabbath.

How many people today have turn away from the truth. People have gone back to the Christian church and people have gone over to Judaism and then there are those that know the truth but are lukewarm. No different to Jeremiah and Nehemiah’s time, the cycle keeps repeating itself. And every time Yahuah’s wrath comes upon His people and many people go through sufferings and death before they repent and turn back to the truth of Yahuah but then forget this again once everything goes well with them. Maybe Yahuah has end these warnings as in Jeremiah’s time when He sent the Messiah to come pour out His final blood offering for His people and we now are entering the final countdown to judgement.

The question is; is this the wrath of Yahuah playing out like in Jeremiah’s time or is this the birth pains playing out as Yahusha Messiah foretold before He went back to heaven.

Let me take you back to Jeremiah Chapter 5 through 6 and remind you what the Almighty did to His people that walked after darkness. Please read the chapters for yourself as I’m giving you my understanding of some of the verses.

Jeremiah 5:1-3, Yahuah is looking for anyone that is seeking the truth and walking in His righteousness. Some even say they know Yahuah and His truth but in reality, they are walking in falseness. Yahuah’s eyes are only on the truth.

Verse 6-7, Because of their sins been so many the so-called believers will be controlled by the wicked people. Are we not been controlled by bad governments? Yahuah asks why should I forgive them? Today people say we have grace only but, in this verse, Yahuah asks Jeremiah why should I forgive.

Verse 11-14, His people has betrayed Him and been untrue by saying it is not Him that is bringing these troubled things on them. They believe they are Israel; no evil will come upon them as they are the chosen people. Today the church says “once saved always saved,” and the believers say “once chosen people, always the chosen people.” Here in this verse Yahuah says something totally different to what is taught today. The teachers are not bringing the true Word but are tickling the ears of the people and preaching what the people like to hear which is all falsehood.

Verse 18-22, Even with His wrath, He still has mercy on a remnant of His people. Take note not all will be saved. Then they will ask “why is this happening to us.” It’s because of false religion and idol worshipping that this is happening, the hearts have become hard and foolish, having eyes and hears but don’t see or hear. There is no more fearing of Yahuah. Today there is absolutely no fear of the Almighty.

Verse 26-29, Within the believers are falseness filled with deceit, striving for greatness, to be rich, fat and sleek. Those that are doing wrong within the believers assemble are been overlooked and left to carry on with the deceit. Everyone is too fearful to say it is wrong. Here Yahuah asks again; should I punish them and should I not revenge Myself on such a nation. He is talking about believers not the unbelievers.

Verse 31, People prophesy false words and the priests are been worshipped by people for speaking comfort words to them. The people are loving these words been given by the priests/rabbis. Yahuah’s Word is been sold for money by these teachers. You even see this by messianic preachers, selling all types of goods. His word is free and not for sale.

What does this mean “what are you going to do at the end of it?” Is Jeremiah asking Yahuah or is Yahuah asking the people.

Jeremiah 6:6-7, The cities of the believer are to be punished as there is only oppression, evil, violence and destruction among them. Only suffering is found in the cities.

Verse 10-11, Whom will listen to the warning signs? Nobody wants the truth and some that hear the truth rejects it. Most will not hear or some will hear but will not take action on His Word. Yahuah is wrath because of this. 

Verse 12-14, Because of them turning away or ignoring the truth, the wrath of Yahuah will come on all the land, from the least to the greatest and everything they have will be lost. Today it is all about greed even under the believers. The false prophets and priests preach ‘peace, peace,’ when there is no peace at all. We hear this peace by pastors and rabbis but what peace is this.

Verse 16-19, Yahuah asks again to walk in His ways so they can have rest in Him but they do not listen to this call. Yahuah raised watchmen to speak to the people but they still do not listen to this call. No different today. Because of this rebellion, evil is sent upon the nation of believers.

Then punishment comes on them because they have not listened to His words, nor His Torah – they rejected both His Word and His Torah.

Verse 24, Weakness and distress then come upon the people and they become a weak nation.

Verse 28, They are rebels, slanderers and corrupters.

Verse 29-30, They will become weak people because of evil among them and Yahuah will reject them because of the darkness in their mist. Is this where we leading too.

Wake up people, please wake up. Wake your neighbor out of his slumber.

First clean your house and then assist with your neighbor.

Read His word, it’s been given to you for free, and you have received the Ruach who will teach you, all for free.

Let us all listen.

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