Thursday 18 November 2021

Everyone is silent before Him

“Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Awake!’ to silent stone, ‘Arise!’ Is it a teacher? See, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no spirit at all inside it. “But Yahuah is in His set-apart temple. Let all the earth be silent before Him” – Habakkuk 2:19-20

The prophet is talking about idol worship in verse 19 and then says Yahuah is in His temple and people must be silent before Him. Why were people required to be silent before Him?This was one of those parts where I thought a verse is missing between verse 19 and 20, until I saw a video explaining these verses.

This makes verse 19 flow into verse 20 and gives a good understanding what is said here. When I heard the commentary of the person during the video clip, I thought about the times we live in and how similar it is to when the prophet spoke these words.

I do not speak or read Hebrew, therefore relied on a man that has Hebrew understanding.

Here are the two verses with the “let” left out and the Hebrew meaning placed in the last sentence;

“Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Awake!’ to silent stone, ‘Arise!’ Is it a teacher? See, it is overlaid with gold and silver, and there is no spirit at all inside it. “But Yahuah is in His set-apart temple. All the earth is silent in front of Him.”

These words were spoken in the time of Babylon and because we are still in the Babylon system these words describe to me, actually the same thing as in the time of the prophet. Let me share my thoughts on what I believe these words mean for today;

Firstly, reading the “Woe” in the beginning of verse 19 tells me what was occurring at that time was an abomination in Yahuah’s eyes. The idols of that time have not changed today, the lifestyle of today is idolatrous and straight from Babylon. There is so much more that can be said of verse 19.

Verse 20; As the believer’s body is the temple, the Ruach (Spirit of Yah) is in the believer and all believers on earth are silent before Him as they are not sharing His word.


The times we find ourselves in, one person stands out for me that was a true believer and was not silent before Yahuah.

That person was Daniel; He was in the middle of the Babylonian system but his lifestyle was of Yahuah (In the world but not part of the world). He spoke through prayer to Yahuah three times a day and asked Yahuah to hear his prayer. He walked the walk as a true believer and Yahuah saw Daniels true ways. Daniel was not silent before Him.

Daniel was sharing the word as everyone in his midst knew who he worshipped. Israel was been punished for their sins at that time and Daniel prayed continually for Yahuah to have mercy on Israel.

The wickedness that is going on in all the countries around the world is staggering and increasing. Millions and millions of babies are killed yearly by all nations, more then all diseases put together and we wonder what is going on.

We should like the majority of Yahuah’s prophets tell His people to turn away from sin and turn back to Him. We have a huge amount of people speaking about this pandemic but only a few talking about the murdering of babies. You shall not murder is one of His commands. There are many more we can mention.

Why are we silent before Him?

Yahuah said to Daniel in Chapter 9:23; For you are greatly loved.

Daniel was not silent?

Would you not like to be called the "beloved one", I sure would like that!

Let all believers be loud before Yahuah, in pray, in sharing His word, in shouting out His great Name, in blowing the shofar and asking for His mercy. People need to know what sin is and repent of them, and we the believers need to make this known.


We need to walk with Yahusha and be sharing His word with the assistance of the Spirit of Yah (the Rauch).

We cannot be silent before Him. 

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