Thursday 17 March 2022

Saved so we can sin again

Jeremiah 7:8-10

“See, you are trusting in false words,which do not profit.Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely,and burn incense to Baal, and walk after other gods whom you do not know?And will you then come and stand before Me in this house on which My name is called, and say, we are delivered (saved) in order to do all those abominations.

Does this sound familiar?

Let me read these verses in plain English: You listen to all the nice words that makes you feel good. You steal, murder (abortions, harmful medicine), commit adultery (divorce, same sex, watch porn, child trafficking), promise falsely (false oath, lies, bribes) and worship other gods/idols (false religion, sport stars, music stars, movie stars, jobs, status, diplomas) which you see as nothing wrong. Then you go to a building called church/temple which is said to be the Almighty’s place of worship, you say a pray, confess His name and then you say ‘I’m saved” and go back to sinning as before.

You guessed it; the Israelites in Jeremiah’s time also believed “once saved always saved.” No wonder people are discouraged to read the prophets in the Old Testament because you will find out reading further on in Jeremiah, Yahuah cast them all out from His presence, just like He removed Himself from Shiloh where He personally placed His Name because of the people walking in darkness.


Many people are taught that the Messiah came to change everything from the old ways and others are taught been the chosen people, always will be the chosen people. You will not find anywhere in scripture where the true Messiah said He came to change the Tanak (Old Testament) and nowhere in the Tanak is said that you are the chosen people if you do not obey His voice and do His will.

This was me at one time. I lived this lie.

The part (remnant) of Israel that obeys His voice will be His chosen people. That is a promise He made forever.

The more I read the prophets the more I realize what is happening today is just another repeat of those ancient days and we cannot blame anybody but ourselves. What the prophets spoke in their time, applies for us today as well.

So, what now! What can we do!

The only thing I can think of is cry, fall on our knees, repent, as an individual, as a family and as a nation.


Hear what I tell you today as this is the truth – repentance and obeying His voice is the only way forward because only a remnant of Israel including the strangers that walked in His righteousness will be saved.

Have mercy on us, Almighty Yahuah, we lack knowledge.

You stand in this house, which you call by My Name, and say, ‘We have been saved’ in order to do abominations!“Has this house, which you call by My Name, become a den of robbers in your eyes?Look, I Myself have seen it,” declares Yahuah.

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