Thursday 17 November 2022

Babylon exposed







“Come down and sit in the dust, O maiden daughter of Babel. Sit on the ground without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans! For no more do they call you tender and delicate.“ Take the millstones and grind flour. Remove your veil, lift up the skirt, uncover the leg, pass through rivers. “Let your nakedness be uncovered, let your shame also be exposed. I take vengeance, and meet no man.” (Isaiah 47:1-3)

I believe Babylon has slowly but surely been exposed from the time of this writing and we see today how much more is revealed of Babylon. If you understand this verse, the prophesy of Babylon is still far from complete as the full exposer will come in its right time. Isaiah 13:19 says Babylon will be pride in the same way as when Elohim overthrew Sodom and Gomora.

“Sit silent, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans! For no more do they call you Mistress of Reigns (lady of kingdoms). (Isaiah 47:5)

Babylon is represented as a woman. Istar (Ishtar/Easter) the false goddess of Babylon had a 7-spike crown on her head and either a torch or a golden cupin in her hand and the law book of Hammurabiin in the other hand – Lady liberty (Revelation 17:4).


Isaiah 47:6-15

6“I was wroth with My people, I have profaned My inheritance and I gave them in to your hand. You showed them no compassion, you made your yoke very heavy on the elderly.

Yah punished Israel and gave them over to Babylon and our generation are still in Babylon. Yah says to us, ‘Come out of her My people.” Are we hearing His call?

7“And you said, ‘I am mistress forever,’ so that you did not take these matters to heart, and did not remember the latter end of them.

8“And now, hear this, you who are given to pleasures, who dwells complacently, who says in your heart, ‘I am, and there is none but me. I do not sit as a widow, nor do I know the loss of children.’

End time Babylon is a pleasure-seeking nation who is living in relative luxury as most other live-in poverty. Entertainment, sport, music and government are all pleasure money/fame seeking (Revelation 18:7-8).

9“Both of these come to you suddenly, in one day: the loss of children, and widowhood. They shall come upon you incompleteness, because of your many witchcrafts, for your numerous great potent spells.

The wroth of Yah will come upon her suddenly because of her wickedness, example sorcery (big pharma).

10“And you have trusted in your evil, you have said, ‘No one sees me.’ Your wisdom and your knowledge have led you astray. And you have said in your heart, ‘I am, and there is none but me.’

Babylon is under the expression no one sees their wrong-doings. Their man-made wisdom and knowledge are blinding them as they think of themselves as the elites (gods) of the world.

11 “But evil shall come upon you, you not knowing from where it arises, and trouble fall upon you, you being unable to put it off, and ruin come upon you suddenly, which you know not.

Babylon will fall suddenly, with them not knowing or how it happened.










13“You are exhausted by your many counsels; let the astrologers, the stargazers, and those who prognosticate by the new moons stand up and save you from what is coming upon you.

14 “See, they shall be as stubble, fire shall burn them, they do not deliver themselves from the power of the flame, there is not a coal to be warmed by, nor a fire to sit before it!












15“So they shall be to you with whom you have laboured, your merchants from your youth. They shall wander, each one his own way, there is none to save you.

All their fortunetellers who predict the future (false prophets) will not save Babylon and they will not be able to save themselves as they stumble and burn.

Do we have ears to hear and eyes to see!

We cannot play around as this prophesy is in motion. It's happening right now.



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