Thursday 24 November 2022

No peace





“There is no peace for the wrong,” said Yahuah.” (Isaiah 48:22).

Who are the wrong?

It is not only wicked ones but includes the sinners (lawless), the unrepented ones, those who say they believe but are still involved with wrong doings. Fear also brings no peace as its wrong.









I have many a times in the past felt this unrestful feeling when doing something that is not right. Sleepless nights kept me awake with a wondering mind making all sorts of plans to get out of the mess.

Took me a long time after many headaches to wake up to His Truth.

Those who are involved with wrong doings may present themselves on TV with this make-believe happiness, a false smile and all sorts of happy go-lucky talk but deep inside them there is no peace only darkness which slowly eats them up.









Those involved with this wicked agenda example mandating the snake bite, abortions, child trafficking, etc will eventually be eaten up by the lack of peace within.

Wickedness can and will never over shadow righteousness, history has shown this over and over again.

Yahuah’s words; “There is no peace for the wrong,” are for today, for tomorrow and forever.

Do you believe Him? I do!



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