Thursday 25 July 2024

Pluck up




Yahuah would have compassion on Israel (Judah/Israel) after He scattered them out of the land due to continues sin.

Jeremiah 12:15 “And it shall be, after My plucking them out, I shall return, and have compassion on them and bring them back, everyone to his inheritance and everyone to his land.

Yahuah has compassion on those who repent (turn back), to follow His ways. Yahuah forgives and accepts them back to Him after they realize their wrong (sin).












Now hear what Yahuah says to the other nations, the neighbors of Israel where Israel is scattered too. Read Jeremiah 12:14 about these nations.

Jeremiah 12:16 “And it shall be, if they learn well the ways of My people, to swear by My Name, ‘As Yahuah lives,’ as they taught My people to swear by Baal (Lord), then they shall be established in the midst of My people.

Yahuah is speaking about other nations other than Israel.

If they follow His ways like His people does, then they will be part of His people.

This is the love of Yahuah.










My question is what are these people in the midst of Israel known as? Some will say they are grafted in, which is true but what are they called is what I want to know. Is it Israel, is it Judah or as they say in modern times Jewish or is it still gentile?

If you read Jeremiah 11:9-15 and Jeremiah 12:7-13 as it shows how Israel and Judah are punished due to not hearing the voice of Yahuah. Jeremiah 11:4 and 7 says “Obey My voice,” which many did not. Those who did not obey was destroyed just like Yahuah says below to the other nations.


Jeremiah 12:17 “But if they do not obey, I shall pluckup, pluck up (tear out) and destroy that nation,” declares Yahuah.

If they decide not to follow in His ways then He will destroy that nation.

What does gentile mean? It means a nation other then the Israel nation. A nation that does not believe in the Almighty of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is a gentile nation.

Example the Swedish people are a nation and Israel is a nation.

What is the Swedish nation that believes in the Almighty of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and obeys the voice of Yahuah?

Who are His people according to scripture? Is it not those who obey His voice?

Is a Judean or an Israelite that does not obey Yahuah’s voice, still His people. If that Judean/Israelite are atheist (do not believe in Yah), are they, His people. A gentile (nation) is not His people but if that gentle (nation) becomes a believer (obey His voice), what is that person now?






What are some people within the Swedish nation known once they become believers?

What are some people within the Israel nation known when they are atheist (don’t believe in the Almighty of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)?

Both are still from the nation of Israel and Sweden, but a group of people within the nation hears and obey and the other group of people within the nation does not hear and obey.

The scripture is very clear: The one who obeys the voice of Yahuah is His people/nation.

The people within Israel that did not obey His voice was and will be destroyed, likewise will the same happen to the Swedish that does not obey His voice.

“Obey My voice” says the Almighty of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


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