Jeremiah was put in a prison (pit / dungeon) by his own people for speaking the truth.
He was placed in prison because of a scroll that was read to Judah given by Yahuah of the punishment that would come upon them because of their sins.
Yahuah was hoping that the people of Judah, including the rulers and king would realize their wrongs and turn back to Him – Jeremiah 36:7.
A few of the leaders did fear the words been read by Burachbut majority including king Jehoiakim did not hear and ignored the words from Yahuah – Jeremiah 36:10-21.
The King listened to the words from the scroll and then burnt it in the fire place – Jeremiah 36:22-23.
Some of the leaders pleaded with king not to burn the scroll but him and his servants had no fear – Jeremiah 36:24-25.
The king ordered for Jeremiah and Baruah to be put in prison but Yahuah hid them away – Jeremiah 36:26.
Yahuah told Jeremiah to write a second new scroll and read it to the people – Jeremiah 36:27-32.
After King Jehoiakim died and King Zedekiah took over as king of Judah, he and his people also did not fear Yahuah and listen to the words on the scroll – Jeremiah 37:1-2.
At this time Jeremiah was still free to walk around between the people to warn them of the punishment to come if they do not turn away from their sins – Jeremiah 37:4-11.
Then Jeremiah left Jerusalem to go to the land of Benjamin where he was arrested and a false statement was brought upon him – Jeremiah 37:12-14.
The rulers and the king were angry with Jeremiah and placed him in a prison (pit). Jeremiah was also beaten before placing him in the pit – Jeremiah 37:15-16.
The king called for Jeremiah and asked him if the words on the scroll are the truth. Jeremiah pleaded with the king to take the words written on the scroll seriously – Jeremiah 37:17-20.
Jeremiah was removed from the pit and placed under house arrest – Jeremiah 37:21. This would not be for long as he would be placed in the pit again.
The rulers and leaders were not happy with Jeremiah’s warnings and wanted him put to death – Jeremiah 38:4.
The King was afraid of these rulers and gave Jeremiah over to them – Jeremiah 38:5.
The rulers threw Jeremiah back into the pit, this time without water and food. Jeremiah stood in deep mud within the pit – Jeremiah 38:6.
The King’s servant an Ethiopian heard about the state Jeremiah was in and asked the King to help Jeremiah which the king did and Jeremiah was removed from the pit – Jeremiah 38:7-13. Yahuah rewarded the servant for his kindness to Jeremiah – read Jeremiah 39:15-18.
The king asked Jeremiah if the words that Yahuah gave to him were true and Jeremiah explained to him that what was about to happen to Judah and Jerusalem. The prophet explained to the king to not stay in the city as he and his family would die if they did not leave – Jeremiah 38:14-18.
The king then said something to Jeremiah which is a mystery to me in Jeremiah 38:19 Then Zedekiah the king said to Jeremiah, “I am afraid of the Yehudim who have gone over to the Chaldeans, lest they give me into their hand, and they abuse me.”
Why was the king of Judah afraid of the Yehudim?
Jeremiah told not to be afraid but to obey Yahuah – Jeremiah 38:20.
The king promised Jeremiah not to let them put him back in the pit as long as he does not say that he the king took him out and placed him back in house arrest – Jeremiah 38:24-27.
Jeremiah remained in the court of the guardhouse until the day Jerusalem was taken over by the Babylonians – Jeremiah 38:28.
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