Thursday 3 February 2022

Obey His voice is what matters


Jeremiah 7:23-24.

“But this word I did command them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I shall be your Elohim, and you be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, so that it be well with you.’

What voice is to be obeyed?

Did this voice not speak to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Did this voice not speak to Moses, Josef, Joshua, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, David, John, Peter etc. And does this voice not speak to you and I? Do you and I obey His voice as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the others did.

Majority of Israelites did not obey His voice so too will the majority today not obey His voice.

Abraham was called Yahuah’s friend, because he obeyed and guarded the commands of Elohim (Genesis 26:5).

Abraham clearly understood to be called His friend, he had to obey His voice. This same condition applies to Israel and to the stranger, and the same applies to us. (Exodus 19:5).


To be called His chosen people which is mentioned many times throughout His word, is to obey His voice and to walk in all His commands.

 The main reason why we do not obey His voice, is because truth has perished from us (Jeremiah 7:28)


Hear His voice and do His commands!

This condition applies to us. We cannot just believe; we have to obey as well. Believe and obey His son as the Messiah is the embodiment of His Father’s voice! (John 3:36).

Hear (believe) and do (obey)!

If we hear and obey, then it will be well with us.

We are servants of the one whom we hear and obey, will it be sin to death (darkness) or righteousness to life (light) (Romans 6:16).


In Yahuah is no darkness, therefore choose light.

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