Thursday 10 February 2022

Remove the Pillars


Many of us were unknowingly involved with sun-worship due to our forefather’s inheritance and lack of knowledge but thankfully we heard the Most High’s call to “come out of her My people.”

Many of us are still learning daily on the falsehoods we have inherited and slowly through His Ruach (Set-apart Spirit) we are led out of this false worship.

I realized through study that the Babylon of old were worshippers of the host of the heavens, the sun, the moon and the stars of which the sun is the most important one.

Babylonian Empire were idol worshippers.

Various names and objects were used for the worship of these hosts. One of these objects is the obelisk which represent a phallic symbol (image of lust) in Babylon and points to sun-worship in Egypt.


Ezekiel (chapter 8) speaks of Israel’s mix worship of the sun-deity Tammuz and in modern days a month is named after him. 

Egypt has many ancient pillars.

Most famous pillar is standing in St. Peter’s in Rome which is the original one that came from Egypt.

Majority of church buildings have a tower built next to or attached to the building that is copied from generation to generation probably without ever knowing the origin of the idea.

Whether it be a pillar, tower, a steeple or a spire, they are not found anywhere in scripture.

In the town I live, we often drive pass a monument situated on our main road that is dedicated to some history event. What we notice is the shape of this monument is very similar to the one in Egypt.

So, I did a research on other monuments in various countries with a similar shape and found in every country around the world has a similar shaped monument.

Each monument in a pillar shape is dedicated to some history event.

In plain sight the pillar is dedicated to history but what does it represent in hidden sight, could it be towards sun-worship.

These monuments are called obelisks or sun-pillars and the Most High instructs us to break them done and burn their Asherim/Astaire/Ishtar/Easter – Exodus 23:24 “Do not bow down to their mighty ones, nor serve them, nor do according to their works, but without fail overthrow them and without fail break down their pillars. Read also Exodus 34:13, Deuteronomy 7:5 and Deuteronomy 12:3.


Israel was also instructed not to erect these sun-pillars – Deuteronomy 16:22 and Leviticus 26:1. The Almighty hates these pillars – Deuteronomy 16:22“And do not set up a pillar, which Yahuah your Elohim hates.


Read Ezekiel 6:4-8 of how the Most High will destroy those with these sun-pillars with only a remnant obeying and breaking them down.

Sadly, many today don’t know what is unacceptable in the eyes of the Almighty Elohim and still are involved with sun-worship mixed with the truth.

Good news for us and for the next generations is in the end of times Yahuah Himself will remove these sun-pillars and their will no longer be any around but the truth – Micah 5:11-15 “And I shall cut off the cities of your land, and I shall pull down all your strongholds. “And I shall cut off witchcrafts out of your hand, and let you have no magicians. “And I shall cut off your carved images, and your pillars from your midst, so that you no longer bow down to the work of your hands. “And I shall pluck your Asherim out of your midst, and I shall destroy your cities. “And I shall take vengeance in wrath and rage on the gentiles who did not obey.”

Those who know the truth, should live a set-apart life and share the truth with those who need to, as Yahuah says, “come out of her My people.”

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