Monday 21 February 2022

Psalm 2

Verse 1-5, David speaking about the nations making wicked plans against Elohim;

Verse 1 Why do the gentiles (nations) rage, and the peoples meditate emptiness?

David speaking.

Verse 2 The sovereigns (kings) of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together, against Yahuah and against His Messiah (anointed), and say,

Is it David speaking as the anointed or did David speak about the Messiah? My – comment; Nimrod wanted to be above Yahuah and it was the same in David’s time just as it is today = a one world order is wanted by the nations without Yahuah

Verse 3 “Let us tear apart Their bonds, and throw away Their ropes from us.”

Man wants to be god.


Verse 4 He who is sitting in the heavens laughs, Yahuah mocks at them.

Did Yahuah tell David or did David know that Yahuah was laughing. See answer in verse below

Verse 5 Then He speaks to them in His wrath, and troubles them in His rage, saying,

Verse 6, Yahuah saying the following;

“But I, I have set My Sovereign (King) on Tsiyon, My set-apart mountain.”

Yahuah speaking; He has set His King on the throne. Is Yahuah speaking about David or His Son?

Verse 7, Yahusha repeating what Yahuah said about the engraving of a lasting law;

“I inscribe for a law: Yahuah has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have brought You forth (begotten). I will declare concerning the statute of YAHUAH: He said to Me, You are My Son. Today I have begotten You.

Who is speaking? It is not Yahuah as it is stated as Yahuah said to me, so it is either David or someone else. It is clearly a decree that Yahuah would have a begotten Son. Who is this Son that is begotten by Yahuah. Who is declaring that Yahuah had a decree about Him being His begotten Son? Is it David or someone else? Read answer in verses below.

Verse 8-9, Yahuah speaking to or about His begotten Son;

Verse 8‘Ask of Me, and I make the gentiles (nations) Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth Your possession.

Yahuah speaking to or about His begotten Son.

Verse 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron, dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ”

Again, Yahuah speaking to or about His begotten Son.

Verse 10-12, David warning the nations to fear Yahuah and to accept His Son or face His wroth;

Verse 10 And now, be wise, O sovereigns; be instructed, you rulers of the earth.

David warning the nations.

Verse 11 Serve Yahuah with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

Again, David warning the nations.


Verse 12 Kiss the Son, lest He be enraged (angry), and you perish in the way, for soon His wrath is to be kindled. Blessed are all those taking refuge in Him. (Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Oh, the blessings of all those who flee to Him for refuge!).

My comment – first read below note for verse 12.

If “Kiss the Son” is correct, is this David been talked about here or someone else. The question is if this is about David then the last sentence “Blessed are all those taking refuge in Him,” is not David’s character as David would make this statement of “Blessed are all those taking refuge in Him” to Yahuah and not to himself. To me it is clearly not David been spoken of but someone else. Now if “pay homage in purity” is correct then it would be about Yahuah or maybe His Son? Verse 9 is the key to the answer! Yahuah is saying in verse 9 that His son will break or bring his wrath on the nations. So, verse 12 is saying; a warning is given to the nations to kiss the son or pay homage in purity to Him, as His wroth will be soon kindled upon them.

It is clear to me that Yahuah is speaking about His Son Yahusha and David knew about His Son as David was warning the nations to kiss the Son/pay homage in purity. Yahusha the Messiah is speaking in verse 7

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